OPP's Arctic Sciences Section welcomes Kate Ruck as a Research Support & Logistics manager
The Office of Polar Program (OPP) Arctic Sciences Section welcomes Ms. Kate Ruck as a new Research Support & Logistics manager.
Ms. Ruck is joining OPP from serving as a Science Project Manager with QED Enterprises Inc., on a management support contract to the Arctic Research Support & Logistics Program. In this position she provided coordination and science support that included oversight of the prime support contract for logistics services in the Arctic. Ms. Ruck joined QED after working at NSF as a Science Assistant and has been affiliated with the Arctic Sciences Section for over six years.
Before coming to NSF, Ms. Ruck earned her Master of Science in Oceanography from The College of William & Mary where she was an active research member of the U.S. Antarctic Science community, specializing in marine science projects aboard NSF’s contracted Antarctic Research Vessels: the R/V Nathaniel B. Palmer and the R/V Laurence M. Gould. She also earned her Bachelor of Science from James Madison University. Overall, Ms. Ruck has participated in 12 Arctic/Antarctic field seasons and has over ten years of experience in the development and implementation of polar research.