Request for Information: Antarctic Research Vessel (ARV) integrator

The NSF is performing market research to improve planning for the potential procurement for an Antarctic Research Vessel (ARV). The current icebreaking research vessel in use by USAP, the contractor-owned (CO) and operated> Nathaniel B. Palmer (NBP) is nearing the end of its service life. The NSF has thus embarked on an effort to recapitalize its icebreaking research vessel capacity through a Major Research Equipment and Facilities Construction (MREFC) project in which the Foundation would develop a government-owned (GO) vessel. 

NSF is seeking capabilities statements from vendors interested in an anticipated requirement in which the vendor will act as the overall “vessel integrator” of the ARV procurement. As a matter of organizational structure, the NSF is motivated to leverage expertise not available internally to procure a vessel of this magnitude, encouraging the use of a single vendor to help administer and oversee finalization of the ARV design, shipyard selection and construction, operational testing, and transition to operations.  

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