A researcher sits at a computer in a darkened lab.

Office of Equity and Civil Rights (OD/OECR)

The U.S. National Science Foundation Office of Equity and Civil Rights (OECR) works across the NSF-supported community to eliminate harassment and promote equal opportunity and access.

The office:

  • Processes discrimination complaints under various federal laws and regulations.
  • Processes reasonable accommodation requests for qualified individuals with disabilities.
  • Provides workforce training and development to NSF managers and staff in the areas of equal employment opportunity.
  • Conducts NSF workforce assessments in the areas of employment and human resources.


Rhonda Davis

Office Head


  • Awardee Civil Rights Compliance Program: Learn how NSF processes complaints of unlawful discrimination, harassment and retaliation in NSF-funded programs, services and activities.
  • Equal Employment Opportunity Program: Learn how NSF processes equal employment opportunity-based harassment and discrimination complaints for NSF employees and applicants.
  • Reasonable Accommodations Program: Learn how NSF provides reasonable accommodations to its employees, applicants and individuals conducting business at NSF.
  • No FEAR Act: Access statistical information and reports concerning previous NSF employment discrimination complaints.