Note: A new version of this document applies to all proposals submitted or due on or after May 20, 2024. Learn more about the PAPPG.

Subject Index



Absence (Disengagement) of Principal Investigator or co-PI – VII.B.2.a

Acceptance of Assistance Agreements – VI.A

Accomplishment-Based Renewal – II.D.2.d(vi),    V.B

Acknowledgment and Disclaimer – XI.D.3.b,    XI.E.4

Acquisition Cost of Equipment – II.D.2.f(iii)

Additional Funding Support – VI.E

Addition of co-PI – VII.B.2.c

Administrative and Clerical Salaries and Wages – II.D.2.f(i)(b),    X.B.1.a

Advance Payments – VIII.C,    VIII.D

Advanced Visualization Resources – II.E.7

Advisor – II.D.2.h(iii),    II.F.8,    Exhibit II-2

Age Discrimination – XI.A.5

Alcoholic Beverages – II.D.2.f(xiii)(c)

Allowability of Costs – II.D.2.f,    Chapter X

Animal Welfare – II.D.2.i(ix),    II.E.4,    XI.B.3

Annual Project Report – VI.E.3,    VII.B.2.f,    VII.B.5,    VII.D.1,    XI.D.2.c,    XI.H.2.c

Antarctic Proposals – I.E.2,    II.D.2.i(vi)

Anthropogenic Events – I.F,    II.F.2

Anti-discrimination Statutes – XI.A

Appeal Process for Proposals Declined for Financial or Administrative Reasons – III.F.2

Appeals – III.F.2,    Chapter XII

Applicable Credits – VIII.D.4,    VIII.D.5

Appointments – II.D.2.h

Approvals, Requests for NSF – X.A.3

Audits – VII.E

Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR) – I.D.3,    I.G.1,    II.D.1.d,    III.C,    III.D,    IV.A,    VII.A.2,    Exhibit II-1

Award Abstract – III.E


— Budget – II.D.2.f,    VI.B.1.c

— Changes – VII.B

— Closeout – VII.D.5

— Conditions, General and Standard – VI.C

— Disputes Resolution – XII.B

— Financial Disclosure – II.D.1.d,    Exhibit II-2,    IX.A

— Financial Reporting – VIII.E

— International Travel – II.D.2.g(iv)(c),    XI.F

— Instrument, Defined – VI.B

— Opportunities for Academic Liaison with Industry (GOALI) – II.D.2,    II.F.5

— Periods – VI.D

— Renewal – II.D.2.d(vi),    Exhibit II-1,    Chapter V,    VI.E.2

— Suspension – XII.A

— Termination – XII.A

— Transfer – VII.B.3

Award Cash Management Service – Chapter VIII

Award Conditions – VI.C

Award Instrument – VI.B

Award Recommendations – III.E,    Exhibit III-1

Awardee – see "Recipient"

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Bayh-Dole Act - XI.D.1

Beginning Investigator - II.E.2

Biographical Sketch(es) - II.D.2.h,    Exhibit II-1

Biological Sciences Directorate Duplicate Proposal Policy - II.E.2

Bonding and Insurance - XI.C.2

Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) - I.C.4

Broad Agency Announcement Management System (BAAM) - I.A

Broader Impacts - II.D,   II.F,   Exhibit II-1,   III.A

Budget - II.D.2.f

Budget Changes - VII.B.3,   VII.C

Build America, Buy America, and Made in America Statutes - X.C.1

Business Officer - VIII.B.2

Buy America, Build America, and Made in America Statutes - X.C.1

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Career-Life Balance (CLB) Supplemental Funding Requests - II.F.8


— Advances - VIII.C,    VIII.D

— Contributions - VIII.D

— Refunds - VIII.D

— Reports - VIII.E

Center Proposal - II.F.12

Certifications - I.G.2,   II.D.1,   II.D.1.d

— Authorized Organizational Representative - II.D.1.d(i)

— Conflict of Interest - II.D.1.d(ii),   Exhibit II-2

— Flood Hazard Insurance - II.D.1.d(iii)

— Organizational Support - II.D.1.d(v)

— Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research - II.D.1.d(iv)

— Safe and Inclusive Working Environments for Off-Campus or Off-Site Research - II.D.1.d(viii),   II.D.2.a,   II.E.9,   XI.M


— Grant Budget - VI.B.1.c,   Exhibit II-1,   VII.B.3,   VII.C

— Grant Periods - VI.D

— Grantee Notifications to and Requests for Approval from the National Science Foundation - Chapter VII

— Project Direction or Management - VII.B

— Objectives, Scope, or Methods/Procedures - VII.B.1

— Principal Investigator - VII.B.2

Charter Flights - XI.F.2

Civil Rights Act of 1964 - XI.A.2

Classified Research - XI.L

Clerical (Administrative & Clerical Salaries & Wages) - II.D.2.f(i)(b),  X.B

Closeout - VII.D.5,   VIII.E

Closure of NSF - I.F

Co-Editors - II.D.1.e,   II.D.2.h(iii)

Coffee Breaks and Meals - II.D.2.f(xiii)(b),   II.D.2.f(v),   II.F.9

Collaborative Arrangements - II.D.2.i

Collaborative Proposals - II.D.2.i,   II.E.3,   IV.A

— Submission of a collaborative proposal from one organization - II.E.3.a

— Submission of a collaborative proposal from multiple organizations - II.E.3.b

Collaborators - II.D.1.e,   II.E.3.b

Collaborators and Other Affiliations Information - II.D.2.h

Colleges - I.E.1

Common Rule for the Protection of Human Subjects - II.E.5

Compensation for Personal Services - X.B.1

Compliance, Environmental - II.D.2.i,   XI.K

Computer Services - II.D.2.f(vi)

Computing Devices - II.D.2.f(vi)(a)

Concept Outlines - I.D.1

Conduct (Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research) II.D.1.d,   IX.B,   XI.M

Conferences - I.B,   II.D.2.f(iv),   II.D.2.f(v),   II.D.2.f(xiii),   II.E.8,   II.F.9

Confidential Budgetary Information - II.D.2.f(i)(d)

Conflict of Interest Policies - IX.A

Conflicting Guidelines - X.A.1

Conflicts of Interest (COIs) - I.D.1,  II.D.1.d,  II.D.1.e

— Potentially Disqualifying COIs - Exhibit II-2

Construction, Rearrangements and Reconversions - Exhibit II-1,   X.C.1,   XI.C

Consultant Services - II.D.2.f(vi),   X.B.2

Contents, Proposal - II.D.2

Continuing Grant - VI.E.3

Contracts under Grants (Subawards) - II.D.2.f(vi)(e),   VII.B.4

Cooperative Agreements - Chapter VI

Copies of Reviews -   III.G,   IV.A,   IV.C,   IV.D.3

Copyright - XI.D.2

Copyrightable Material - XI.D.2

Cost Principles - II.D.2.f,   Chapter X

Cost Sharing - II.D.2.f(xii),   III.D, VII.C

Costs, Visa - XI.F.4

Cover Sheet - II.D.2,   Exhibit II-1

Creativity (Two-Year Extensions) - VI.D.3.d

Credits - VIII.D

Current and Pending Support - II.D.2.h,   Exhibit II-1

Curriculum Development Projects - XI.N.2

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Data Collection - XI.H.1

Data Infrastructure - II.E.7

Data Management Plan - II.D.2.i(ii)

Data Rights - XI.D

Data Storage - II.E.7

Davis-Bacon Act - XI.C.1

Deadline Dates - I.F.2

Dear Colleague Letters - I.C.5

Debarment and Suspension - XII.A.2.b,   XII.C.1.d

Declination of Proposal - III.F,   IV.C,   IV.D

Decline for Financial or Administrative Reasons - III.F

Definitions of Categories of Personnel - Exhibit II-3

Delays - VII.B.1.c

Dependent Care Travel Costs - II.D.2.f(iv)(a),   X.C.3

Deviation Authorization - I.F,   II.A,   II.D.1.a, Exhibit II-1

Direct Costs - II.D.2.f,   X.B,   X.C

Disability Regulations - XI.A

Disbursements - VIII.B.4,   VIII.E

Disclaimer - XI.E.4.b

Disclosure Requirements - II.B

Discrimination - XI.A

Disengagement - VII.B.2

Disputes Resolution - XII.B

Dissemination Costs - II.D.2.f(vi)(b)

Dissemination of Research Results - II.D.2.i(ii),   XI.D.4,   XI.E,   XI.H.2.c

Distribution of Grant Materials - XI.E

DNA Guidelines - XI.B.2

Documentation Costs - II.D.2.f(vi)(b),   X.A.2.c,   XI.E.2

Domestic Travel - II.D.2.f(iv)(b),   X.C.3

Dual Use Research of Concern - II.D.2.a,   II.E.6,   XI.B.5

Duration Information - II.D.2.a

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EArly-concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER) - II.F.3

Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX) - XI.A

Effective Date - see "Start Date"

Encourage/Discourage Decisions - I.D.3.b,   IV.D.2.a

End Date - VI.D.1.b, VI.D.3.b

Endangered Species - II.D.2.i

Entertainment Costs - II.D.2.f(xiii)(a),    II.F.9

Environmental Compliance - II.D.2.i,   XI.K

Environmental Impact - II.D.2.i,   XI.K

Equal Employment Opportunity - XI.A.6


— Acquisition - IX.E

— Allowability of Costs - II.D.2.f(iii),   VII.B.2.e,   IX.E.2,   X.A.2.c

— Conditions for Acquisition and Use - IX.E.2

— Definition - II.D.2.f(iii)

— For-profit Organizations - IX.E.1

— General Purpose - II.D.2.f(iii),   II.D.2.f(vi)(d),   IX.E.2.b

— Government-Owned -   IX.E.2.g,   IX.E.4,   IX.E.5

— Non-profit Organizations - IX.E.1

— Prohibited Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment - II.D.2.f(xiii)(e),   X.F

— Proposals - II.F.10

— Rental or Lease - X.C.3

— Shared Use - IX.E.2.d

— Special Purpose - II.D.2.f(iii),   II.F.10

— Title - IX.E.1,   IX.E.2.g,   IX.E.4

— Transfer - VII.B.2.e,   IX.E.2.g

Erroneous Payments - VIII.D.2

Ethical (Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research) - II.D.1.d(iv),   IX.B,   XI.M

Events (Natural or Anthropogenic) - I.F.2,   II.F.2

Excess Government Personal Property - IX.E.5

Executive Order

— 12372, Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs - XI.G

— 12770, Metric Usage in Federal Government Programs - I.D.4,   XI.N.3

Expendable Personal Property - see "Materials and Supplies"


— Allowability of Costs - II.D.2.f,   Chapter X

— Recipient Responsibility VII.A.1

— Reports - VIII.E

— Outlays - VIII.B.4

Experimental Curriculum - XI.N.2

Expiration Date - see "End Date"

Extension for Special Creativity - VI.D.3.d

Extension of Grant Period - VI.D.3.c

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Facilitation Award for Scientists and Engineers with Disabilities (FASED) - II.D.2,   II.D.2.i,   II.F.7

Facilities and Administrative Costs (F&A) - II.D.2.f(v),   II.D.2.f(vi),   II.D.2.f(viii),   II.D.2.f(ix),   III.D,   X.D

Facilities, Equipment and Other Resources - II.D.2.g, Exhibit II-1

Faculty Associate, Definition - Exhibit II-3

FastLane System - I.A

Federal Acquisition Regulation - II.D.2.f   X.A

Federal Agencies - I.E.2.d,   I.H,    II.D.2.

Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information System (FAPIIS) - III.F, XII.A.2.a(vi)

Federal Cost Principles (now consolidated in 2 CFR § 200, Subpart E) - II.D.2.f,   Chapter X

Federal Emergency Management Agency II.D.1.d(iii)

Federal Financial Reports - Chapter VIII

Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs) - I.E.2

Federal Wide Assurance (FWA) - II.E.5

Fee Payments - II.D.2.f(x),   X.E

Fellowships - II.D.2,   II.F.8,   IV.D.2,   VII.D.1,   VII.D.2,   XI.B.3.b(iv),   XI.D.3.b(ii)

Final Disbursement Reporting - VIII.E

Final Project Report - VII.D.2,   XI.H.2.c

Final Technical Information Items - VII.D

Financial Disclosure II.D.1.d,   Exhibit II-2,   IX.A

Financial Management System Standards - VIII.A,   IX.D

Fiscal Reports - VIII.E

Fixed Amount Award - VI.D

Flood Hazard Insurance - II.D.1.d(iii)

Fonts - II.C.2,   Exhibit II-1

Foreign Organizations - I.E.2,   II.D.2.a,   II.D.2.c,   II.D.2.f,   II.E.3,   II.E.8,   XI.B.3.b(iv),   Exhibit II-1

Foreign Travel - II.D.2.f(iv)(c),   XI.F

Foreign-Flag Air Carriers -   XI.F

For-profit Organizations - I.E.2,   IX.E.1

Freedom of Information Act - XI.H.2.b

Fringe Benefits - II.D.2.f(ii),   III.D,   X.B.1.b

Full Proposal - I.D.4,   II.D.2,   IV.B

Funding Opportunities - I.A,   I.B,   I.C

Funding Recommendations - Chapter III,   Exhibit III-1


— Allowability of Costs/Expenditures - II.D.2.f,   Chapter X

— Payment of - VIII.C

— Residual - VI.E.2

— Safeguarding - VIII.C.2

— Transfer of - VII.B

— Withholding - VIII.C.2

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General Purpose Equipment - II.D.2.f(iii),   IX.E.2.b

Government-Owned Equipment - IX.E

Graduate Advisors - II.D.2.h,   Exhibit II-2

Graduate Students - I.E,   II.D.2.h(i)(b),   Exhibit II-3,   Chapter V

Grants and Agreements, Division of - I.H,   III.F - I.A,   I.G.1,   II.A,   II.B,   II.C.2,   IV.B,   IV.D.2

Group Proposals - II.D.2.f(v)

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Harassment (Sexual Harassment, Other forms of Harassment, or Sexual Assault - II.E.9,   II.F.9,   II.F.11,   VII.A.2,   XI.A.1,   XI.M

Hazardous Materials - II.D.2.i(ix)

High Performance Computing Resources - II.E.7

Higher Education, Institutions of - I.E.1

Historic Places - II.D.2.i,   XI.J

Home Office Workspace - II.D.2.f(xiii)(d)

Human Subjects - II.D.2.a,   II.D.2.f(v),   II.D.2.f(vi),   II.D.2.i,   II.E.5,   II.D.2.i(ix),   XI.B.1

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Ideas Lab - II.F.6

Inclusive, (Safe and Inclusive Working Environments for Off-Campus or Off-Site Research) - II.D.1.d(viii),   II.D.2.a,   II.E.9,   XI.M

Income - VIII.D.4,   II.D.2.a

Indirect Costs - II.D.2.f(v),   II.D.2.f(viii),   II.D.2.f(ix),   III.D,   X.D

Informal Resolution of Grant Administration Disputes - XII.B

Information Release - XI.H.2

In-Kind Contributions - II.D.2.h.ii(g)(iv),   VII.C.2

Inspector General, Office of - XII.C

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee - II.E.4,   XI.B.3

Institutional Review Board - II.E.5,   XI.B.1

Institutions of Higher Education - I.E.1

Instrumentation and Facilities Guidelines - IX.E.3

Insurance - II.D.1.d(iii),   XI.C.2

Intangible Property - XI.D

Intellectual Merit - II.D.1.d,   II.D.2.b,   II.D.2.d,   Exhibit II-1,   III.A,   III.B

Intellectual Property - XI.D

Interest - VIII.D.3

Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs - II.D.2.i,   XI.G


— Activities - I.E.2.(c),   II.E.8,   XI.F

— Agreements - XI.F.3

— Charter Flights - XI.F.2

— Copyright - XI.D.2.a,   XI.D.3

— Patents - XI.D.1.b,   XI.D.3

— Projects - see "Foreign Projects"

— Travel - II.D.2.f(iv)(c),   XI.F

— Travel Grants - IV.D.2.b

— Travel Proposals - II.F.11

Intra-University Consulting - X.B.2

Inventions and Patents - XI.D.1

Investigator Financial Disclosure - II.D.1.d,   Exhibit II-2,   IX.A

Invite/Not Invite Decisions - I.D.3.a

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Large Facilities Projects - (see Major Facilities Projects)

Leased Facilities and Equipment - X.C.3

Leave, Sabbatical - VII.B.2.a

Letters of Collaboration - II.D.2.i(iv)

Letters of Intent - I.D.2

Letters of Support - II.D.2.i

Liabilities and Losses - XI.N.1

License Rights - XI.D.1

Limited English Proficiency (LEP) - XI.A.7

List of Suggested Reviewers or Reviewers Not to Include - II.D.1.b,   Exhibit II-1

Living Organisms - XI.B

Local Governments - I.E.2.b

Long-Term Disengagement of PI - VII.B.2.a

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Made in America, Build America, Buy America Statutes - X.C.1

Major Facilities Projects - II.D.2.f

Major Research Facilities - II.F.13

"March-in" Rights - XI.D.1.l

Margin and Spacing Requirements - II.C.2,    Exhibit II-1

Materials and Supplies - II.D.2.f(vi)(a),   IX.E

Maximum Obligation of NSF - X.A.2.a

Meals and Coffee Breaks - II.D.2.f(xiii)(b)

Meetings and Conferences - II.D.2.f(iv),   II.D.2.f(v),   II.E.8,   II.F.9,   X.C.3

Mentoring - II.D.2.i(i),   II.E.3,   Exhibit II-1

Merit Review Criteria - I.C,   I.D.4,   II.D.2,   II.F   Chapter III

Merit Review Principles - Chapter III.A

Methods/Procedures, Changes in - VII.B.1.b

Metric Conversion Act of 1975 - I.D.4,    XI.N.3

Minority-Owned Business - II.D.2.a

Misconduct in Science - I.D.4    XII.C

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National Center for Atmospheric Research - II.E.7

National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 - II.D.2.i,    XI.K

National Flood Insurance Act - II.D.1.d(iii)

National Register of Historic Places - II.D.2.i(vii),    XI.J

National Science Board - I.C,   II.D.2.f(xii),   III.A,   III.B,   IV.D.1,   Chapter V,   XI.D.1,   XI.H.2

National Science Foundation

— Act - XI.C.2,    XI.D.1

— Approvals - Chapter VII

National Security - XI.L

Natural Events - I.F.2,    II.F.2

New Awardee - Chapter VI

News Release - X.C.2,    XI.H.2

No-Cost Extension - VI.D.3.c

Non-academic Organization - I.E,    II.D.2.f(i)(a),    Chapter V

Non-award Decisions and Transactions - Chapter IV

Non-Discrimination Statutes and Regulations - XI.A

Non-profit Organization I.E,   VII.E,   IX.D.1.a,   XI.E

Notifications to NSF Chapter VII

NSF ID - I.G.3

NSF Prospective New Awardee Guide - Chapter II

NSF Update - I.B

NSF Use Only - II.D.1

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Objectives, Changes in - VII.B.1.a

Obligations - VIII.B.7

Off-Campus (Off Site) Activities - II.D.1.d(viii),   II.D.2.a,   II.E.9,   XI.M

Office of Inspector General (NSF) - XII.C

Open Government Legislation - XI.H.2.b

Other Direct Costs - II.D.2.f(vi),   X.C

Other Personnel - II.D.2.h(i),   Exhibit II-3

Other Professional, Definition - Exhibit II-3

Outlays - VIII.B.4

Overhead - see "Indirect Costs"

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Page Formatting Instructions - II.C.3

Page Limitations - II.D,   Exhibit II-1,   III.D,   IV.B,   IV.D.2,   V.A,   V.B

Pagination Instructions - II.C.1

Participant Support - II.D.2.f(v),   II.F.9

Passports and Visas - XI.F.4

Patent Rights Clause - XI.D.1.c

Patents and Inventions - XI.D.1

Payments - Chapter VIII

Permits - XI.B.4,   XI.F.3

Person-Months - II.D.2.f(i)(c),   II.D.2.h(ii),   VII.B.2

Personnel, Definitions Exhibit II-3

PI (co-PI)

— Addition of co-PI - VII.B.2.c

— Change in Person-Months - VII.B.2

— Compensation - II.D.2.f(i), X.B.1.a

— Definition - Exhibit II-3

— Information about PI and co-PIs - II.D.2.h.(i)(a)

— Long-Term Disengagement - VII.B.2.a

— Substitute (Change) - VII.B.2.e

— Transfer to Another Institution - VII.B.2.f

— Withdrawal VII.B.2.d

Place of Performance - II.D.2.a

Planning Proposals - II.F.1

Postdoctoral Associate - II.D.2.f(i),   II.D.2.h(ii)

Postdoctoral Scholar - II.F.5,   Exhibit II-3

Post-End Costs - X.A.2.c

Potentially Disqualifying Conflicts of Interest - Exhibit II-2

Pre-Award Costs - X.A.2.b

Pre-Award Financial and Administrative Reviews - III.F.1

Pre-College Students - XI.N.2

Preliminary Proposals - I.D.3

Preservation of Historic Places - II.D.2.i,   XI.J

Press Releases - X.C.2,   XI.H.2.a

Principal Investigator (PI), Definition - Exhibit II-3

Principles, Federal Cost (now consolidated in 2 CFR § 200, Subpart E) - II.D.2.f,   Chapter X

Prior NSF Approval - Chapter VII,   X.A.3

Privileged Information - III.H,   XI.D.4

Procurement Standards - IX.F

Products - II.D.2.h

Professional Preparation - II.D.2.h

Professional Service Costs - II.D.2.f(vi)(c)

Program Announcements - I.C.2

Program Descriptions - I.C.1

Program Income - VIII.D.4

Program Solicitations - I.C.3

Project Descriptions - II.D.2.d, Exhibit II-1

Project Performance - VII.A

Project/Performance Site - II.D.2.a

Primary Location - II.D.2.a

Project Reports VII.D

Project Summary II.D.2.b, Exhibit II-1


— Acquisition - IX.E.2

— Copyright and Publication - XI.D.2,   XI.E

— Data and Software - XI.D.4

— Equipment - II.D.2.f(iii),   IX.E.1,   X.F

— Excess Government Personal Property - IX.E

— Intellectual - XI.D

— Inventions and Patents - XI.D.1

— Management Standards - IX.E

— Materials and Supplies - II.D.2.f(vi)(a),   IX.E

— Protection of Historic Places - II.D.2.i,   XI.J

— Title - IX.E,   XI.D


—Certifications - I.G.2,   II.D.1,   II.D.1.d,   II.D.1.e,   Exhibit II-1

—Conference - II.F.9

—Contents - II.D.2

—Cover Sheet - II.D.2.a,   Exhibit II-1

—Declination of Proposals for Financial or Administrative Reasons - III.F

—Declinations - III.E, III.F,   Chapter IV

—Deviations - I.F,   II.A,   II.D, Exhibit II-1

—File Updates - III.C,   IV.A

—Format -   II.C

—International Travel - II.D.2.f(iv)(c),   II.D.2.i,   II.F.11

—Margin and Spacing Requirements - II.C,   Exhibit II-1

—Not Accepted - IV.B

—Page Formatting - II.C

—Pagination Instructions - II.C

—Preparation Checklist - Exhibit II-1

—Processing - I.H

—Proposal & Award Process & Timeline - Exhibit III-1

—Receipt - I.G.4

—Reconsideration - IV.D

—Renewed Support - II.D.2.d(vi),   II.F.1,   II.F.2,   II.F.6,   Chapter V

—Return without Review - II.A, Exhibit II-1,   Exhibit III-1,   IV.B,   IV.D,   IV.E

—Revisions Made During the Review Process - III.D

—Sections - II.D.2

—Status - I.G.4

—Submission - Chapter I,   Chapter II, Exhibit II-1,   IV.A,   IV.E,   Chapter V

—Symposia - see "Conference"

—Types - II.F

—Withdrawal - Chapter IV.A

Proprietary Information -   II.D.1.c,   II.D.2.f(i)(d),   II.E.1,   III.H,   XI.H.2.c

Prospective New Awardee Guide - Chapter II

Provisional Rate - X.D.1

Public Access Policy - XI.D.2.c,   XI.E.1,   XI.E.4.d

Publication(s) - II.D.2.h(i)(a),   II.D.2.d(iii), II.D.2.f(vi)(b),   XI.D.4,   XI.E,   XI.H.2

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Questionnaires - XI.H.1

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Rapid Response Research Grants (RAPID) - II.F.2

Rearrangements and Reconversion Costs - XI.C

Rebudgeting - II.D.2.f(i),   VII.B.5


— Definition - VIII.B.6

— Organization - II.D.2.a,   VIII.B.6

— Prior Approvals - Chapter VII

— Share - see "Cost Sharing"

— Standards - Chapter IX

Recombinant DNA - XI.B.2

Recompetition - Chapter V

Reconsideration of Proposals - IV.D

Records Retention - VII.E

References Cited II.D.2.e,   Exhibit II-1

Refunds to NSF VIII.D

Rehabilitation Act of 1973 - XI.A.3

Reimbursements - VIII.C

Release of Recipient Proposal Information - III.H

Release of Information - XI.H.2

Renewed Support - II.D.2.d.iii,   II.D.2.d(vi),   VI.E.2

— Accomplishment-Based Renewal - V.B

— Traditional Renewal - V.A

Reporting Requirements - VII.D, VIII.D.4,   VIII.E,   XII.C.3


— Annual Project VII.D.1,   XI.H.2.c

— Cost Sharing VII.C.3

— Final Disbursement Reporting - VIII.E

— Final Project - VII.D.2,   XI.H.2.c

— Project Outcomes Report for the General Public - VII.D.3

— Technical Information Items - VII.D

Request for Advance or Reimbursement - VIII.C

Research Advanced by Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering (RAISE) - II.F.4

Research Assistant, Definition - Exhibit II-3

Research Equipment - II.D.2.f(iii),   II.D.2.i,   II.F.10,   IX.D

Research Experiences for Undergraduates - II.D.2.i

Research Infrastructure Proposal - II.F.13

Research in Undergraduate Institutions - II.D.2.i

Research Involving Wildlife - II.E.4,   XI.B.3

Research Misconduct - I.D.4,   XII.C

Research Opportunity Awards - II.D.2.i

Research Security - IX.C

Residual Funds - VI.E.2

Resolution of Grant Administration Disputes - XII.B

Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research - II.D.1.d,   IX.B,   XI.M

Resubmission of Proposal - IV.E

Results from Prior NSF Support - II.D.2.d, Exhibit II-1, Chapter V

Return without Review - II.A,   Exhibit II-1,   Exhibit III-1,   IV.B,   IV.D,   IV.E

Review Criteria - I.C,   I.D.4,   II.D.2,   II.F   Chapter III

Reviews, Copies of - III.G,   IV.A,   IV.C

Revisions to Proposals (Made During the Review Process) - III.D

Revocation - XII.A

Rights in Data and Software - XI.D

Royalties under Grants - XI.D

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Sabbatical Leave - VII.B.2.a

Safe, (Safe and Inclusive Working Environments for Off-Campus or Off-Site Research) - II.D.1.d(viii),   II.D.2.a,   II.E.9,   XI.M

Salaries and Wages - II.D.2.f(i),   X.B

— Administrative and Clerical Salaries and Wages Policy - II.D.2.f(i)(b),   X.B.2

Confidential Budgetary Information - II.D.1.c,   II.D.2.f(i)(d),   II.E.1

— Policies - II.D.2.f(i)(a),   II.D.2.f(i)(b),   X.B

— Procedures - II.D.2.f(i)(c),   X.B

Scope, Change in - VII.B.1.a


Security, National - XI.L

Seismic Safety - XI.C.3

Selection of Reviewers - II.D.1.b,   III.B

Senior Personnel - II.D.2.h,   Exhibit II-3

Harassment (Sexual Harassment, Other forms of Harassment, or Sexual Assault - II.E.9,   II.F.9,   II.F.11,   VII.A.2,   XI.A.1,   XI.M

Sex Discrimination - I.E, XI.A.4

Shared Use of Equipment - IX.D.2.d, IX.D.3

Sharing Research Results - XI.D.4, XI.E

Short-Term Absence of PI - VII.B.2

Significant Change, Delay or Event of Unusual Interest - VII.B.1.c Single Copy Documents - II.D.1,   Exhibit II-1

Site Visits - VII.A.1.c

Small Business - I.E.2,   II.D.2,   IV.D.2.b,   IX.A,   IX.E.1.b

Software Rights - XI.D

Special Creativity (Two-Year Extensions) - VI.D.3.d

Special Exceptions (to Deadline Date Policy) - I.F.2

Special Processing Instructions - II.E, Exhibit II-1

Special Information - II.D.2.i,   Exhibit II-1

Sponsored Projects Office - I.D.3, IV.A

Staff Benefits - see "Fringe Benefits"


—Awardee / Recipient - Chapter IX

—Financial Management Systems - VIII.A,   IX.D

—Procurement - IX.F

—Property Management - IX.E

Start Date - VI.D.1.a

State Governments - I.E.2.b

Students - I.E,   II.D.2.h(i)(b)(i)(b),   II.F.5,   II.E.7,   II.F.8,   II.F.9,   II.F.12,   Exhibit II-1,   Exhibit II-3, Chapter V

Subawards - II.D.2.f,   II.D.2.f(vi)(e),   II.D.2.g,   II.D.2.i,   II.E.3,   VII.B.4,   VIII.C.2.b


— Instructions - I.G.1,   Chapter II,   Exhibit II-1

— Windows - I.F.3

Substitute Principal Investigator - VII.B.2.e

Sunshine Act - XI.H.2.b(ii)

Supplemental Funding/Support - II.F,   VI.D.3.b,   VI.E.5

Supplementary Documentation - II.C.2,   II.D.2,   II.D.2.d,   II.D.2.i,   Exhibit II-1

Supplies see "Materials and Supplies"

Suspension of Award - XII.A

Synergistic Activities - II.D.2.h(i)(a)(6)

System for Award Management (SAM) - I.G.2

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Tangible Property - XI.D.5

Target Dates - I.F.1

Tax Status - XI.I

Technical Reporting Requirements - VII.D

Telecommunications - X.F

Temporary Dependent Care Travel Costs - II.D.2.f(iv)(a),   II.F.8,   X.C.3

Termination of Award - XII.A


— Equipment - IX.D.1

— Patents and Inventions - IX.D.1

— Proposed Project

— Supplies and Materials - IX.E

— Tangible Property - IX.D.5

Total Direct Costs - II.D.2.f(vii)

Traditional Renewal - V.A

Transfer of

— Equipment - VII.B.2.f,   IX.E.2.g

— Grant - VII.B.2.f

— Funds - VII.B.2.f,   VII.B.4

— Principal Investigator - VII.B.2

— Project Effort - VII.B

Travel Allowances

— Dependent of Key Project Personnel - II.D.2.f(iv)(a),   X.C.3

— Domestic - II.D.2.f(iv)(b),   II.F.9,   II.F.11

— Foreign - II.D.2.f(iv)(c),   II.F.9,   II.F.11

Travel Proposal - II.F.11

Tribal Governments - I.E.1.c

Types of Proposals - II.F

— Career-Life Balance (CLB) Supplemental Funding Requests - II.F.8

— Center - II.F.12

— Conference - II.F.9

— EArly-concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER) - II.F.3

— Equipment - II.F.10

— Facilitation Awards for Scientists and Engineers with Disabilities (FASED) - II.F.7

— Grant Opportunities for Academic Liaison with Industry (GOALI) - II.F.5

— Ideas Lab - II.F.6

— Planning - II.F.1

— Rapid Response Research (RAPID) - II.F.2

— Research Advanced by Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering (RAISE) - II.F.4

— Research Infrastructure - II.F.13

— Travel - II.F.11

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Unaffiliated Individuals - I.E.3

Unallowable Costs - II.D.2.f(xiii)

— Alcoholic Beverages - II.D.2.f(xiii)(c)

— Entertainment Costs - II.D.2.f(xiii)(a)

— Meals and Coffee Breaks - II.D.2.f(xiii)(b)

Undergraduate Student, Definition Exhibit II-3

Underrecovery of Indirect Costs - II.D.2.f(viii),   X.D.1.c

Unexpended Balance - VIII.B.11,   VIII.D.1

Unfunded Collaborations - II.D.2.d(iv)

Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) - II.D.2.d(ii),   II.D.2.h(i)(a)(5)

Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) - I.G.2

Universities (Institutions of Higher Education), Definition - I.E.1

Unliquidated Obligations - VIII.B.12

Unobligated Balance - VIII.B.13

US-Flag Air Carriers - II.D.2.f(iv)(a),   XI.F.1.b

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Vertebrate Animals - II.D.2i(ix),  II.E.4,  XI.B.3

Veterans Administration - I.E

Video Surveillance Services - II.D.2.f(xiii)(e),   X.F

Visas - XI.F.4

Visual Materials - II.D.2.d(ii)

Visualization Resources - II.E.7

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Wages - see "Salaries and Wages"

Wildlife Research - II.E.4, XI.B.3

Withdrawal of Principal Investigator - VII.B.2.d

Withdrawal of Proposal - IV.A

Withholding Payments - VIII.C.2.c

Woman-Owned Business - II.D.2.a

Working Capital Advance - VIII.C.5