Subject Index



Absence (Disengagement) of Principal Investigator or co-PI — VII.B.2

Acceptance of Assistance Agreements — VI.A

Accomplishment-Based Renewal — II.D.2.d(vi), V.B

Acknowledgment and Disclaimer — XI.D.3.b, XI.E.4

Acquisition Cost of Equipment — II.D.2.f(iii)

Additional Funding Support — VI.E

Addition of co-PI — VII.B.2.c

Administrative and Clerical Salaries and Wages — II.D.2.f(i)(b), X.B.1.a

Advance Payments — VIII.C, VIII.D

Advanced Visualization Resources — II.E.7

Advisor — II.D.2.h(iii), II.F.8, Exhibit II-2

Age Discrimination — XI.A.5

Alcoholic Beverages — II.D.2.f(xiii)(c)

Allowability of Costs — II.D.2.f, Chapter X

Animal Welfare — II.D.2.i(viii), II.E.4, XI.B.3

Annual Project Report — VI.E.3, VII.B.2.f, VII.B.5, VII.D.1, XI.D.2.c, XI.H.2.c

Antarctic Proposals — I.E.2, II.D.2.i(vi)

Anthropogenic Events — I.F.2, II.F.2

Anti-discrimination Statutes — XI.A

Appeal Process for Proposals Declined for Financial or Administrative Reasons — III.F.2

Appeals — III.F.2, Chapter XII

Applicable Credits — VIII.D.4, VIII.D.5

Appointments — II.D.2.h

Approvals, Requests for NSF — X.A.3

Audits — VII.E

Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR) — I.D.3, I.G.1, II.D.1.d, III.C, III.D, IV.A, VII.A.2, Exhibit II-1

Award Abstract — III.E


— Budget — II.D.2.f, VI.B.1.c

— Changes — VII.B

— Closeout — VII.D.4

— Conditions, General and Standard — VI.C

— Disputes Resolution — XII.B

— Financial Disclosure — II.D.1.d, Exhibit II-2, IX.A

— Financial Reporting — VIII.E

— International Travel — II.D.2.g(iv)(c), XI.F

— Instrument, Defined — VI.B

— Opportunities for Academic Liaison with Industry (GOALI) — II.D.2, II.F.5

— Periods — VI.D

— Renewal — II.D.2.d(vi), Exhibit II-1, Chapter V, VI.E.2

— Suspension — XII.A

— Termination — XII.A

— Transfer — VII.B.4

Award Cash Management Service — Chapter VIII

Award Conditions — VI.C

Award Instrument — VI.B

Award Recommendations — III.E, Exhibit III-1


— Definition — VIII.B.6

— Organization — II.D.2.a, VIII.B.6

— Prior Approvals — Chapter VII

— Share — see "Cost Sharing"

— Standards — Chapter IX


Bayh-Dole Act — XI.D.1

Beginning Investigator — II.E.2

Biographical Sketch(es) — II.D.2.h, Exhibit II-1

Biological Sciences Directorate Duplicate Proposal Policy — II.E.2

Bonding and Insurance — XI.C.2

Broader Impacts — II.D, II.F, Exhibit II-1, III.A

Budget — II.D.2.f

Budget Changes — VII.B.3, VII.C

Build America, Buy America, and Made in America Statutes — X.C.1

Business Officer — VIII.B.2

Buy America, Build America, and Made in America Statutes — X.C.1


Career-Life Balance (CLB) Supplemental Funding Requests — II.F.13


— Advances — VIII.C, VIII.D

— Contributions — VIII.D

— Refunds — VIII.D

— Reports — VIII.E

Center Proposal — II.F.11

Certifications — I.G.2, II.D.1, II.D.1.d

— Authorized Organizational Representative — II.D.1.d(i)

— Conflict of Interest — II.D.1.d(ii), Exhibit II-2

— Flood Hazard Insurance — II.D.1.d(iii)

— Organizational Support — II.D.1.d(v)

— Project Reports — VII.D.1.b(iv)

— Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research — II.D.1.d(iv)

— Safe and Inclusive Working Environments for Off-Campus or Off-Site Research — II.D.1.d(viii), II.D.2.a, II.E.9, XI.M

— Senior/Key Personnel — II.D.1.e


— Grant Budget — VI.B.1.c, Exhibit II-1, VII.B.3, VII.C

— Grant Periods — VI.D

— Grantee Notifications to and Requests for Approval from the National Science Foundation — Chapter VII

— Project Direction or Management — VII.B

— Objectives, Scope, or Methods/Procedures — VII.B.1

— Principal Investigator — VII.B.2

Charter Flights — XI.F.2

Civil Rights Act of 1964 — XI.A.2

Classified Research — XI.L

Clerical (Administrative & Clerical Salaries & Wages) — II.D.2.f(i)(b), X.B

Closeout — VII.D.4, VIII.E

Closure of NSF — I.F.2

Co-Editors — II.D.1.e, II.D.2.h(iii)

Coffee Breaks and Meals — II.D.2.f(xiii)(b), II.D.2.f(v), II.F.8

Collaborative Arrangements — II.D.2.i(iii)

Collaborative Proposals — II.D.2.i(iii), II.E.3, IV.A

— Submission of a collaborative proposal from one organization — II.E.3.a

— Submission of a collaborative proposal from multiple organizations — II.E.3.b

Collaborators — II.D.1.e, II.E.3.b

Collaborators and Other Affiliations Information — II.D.2.h

Colleges — I.E.1.a

Common Rule for the Protection of Human Subjects — II.E.5

Compensation for Personal Services — X.B.1

Compliance, Environmental — II.D.2.i(iv), XI.K

Computer Services — II.D.2.f(vi)

Computing Devices — II.D.2.f(vi)(a)

Concept Outlines — I.D.1

Conduct (Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research) II.D.1.d, IX.B, XI.M

Conferences — I.B, II.D.2.f(iv), II.D.2.f(v), II.D.2.f(xiii), II.E.8, II.F.8

Confidential Budgetary Information — II.D.2.f(i)(d)

Conflict of Interest Policies — IX.A

Conflicting Guidelines — X.A.1

Conflicts of Interest (COIs) — I.D.1,– II.D.1.d, II.D.1.e

— Potentially Disqualifying COIs — Exhibit II-2

Construction, Rearrangements and Reconversions — Exhibit II-1, X.C.1, XI.C

Consultant Services — II.D.2.f(vi), X.B.2

Contents, Proposal — II.D.2

Continuing Grant — VI.E.3

Contracts under Grants (Subawards) — II.D.2.f(vi), VII.B.4

Cooperative Agreements — Chapter VI

Copies of Reviews — – III.G, IV.A, IV.C, IV.D.3

Copyright — XI.D.2

Copyrightable Material — XI.D.2

Cost Principles — II.D.2.f, Chapter X

Cost Sharing — II.D.2.f(xii), III.D, VII.C

Costs, Visa — XI.F.4

Cover Sheet — II.D.2, Exhibit II-1

Creativity (Two-Year Extensions) — VI.D.3.d

Credits — VIII.D

Current and Pending Support — II.D.2.h, Exhibit II-1

Curriculum Development Projects — XI.N.2

Back to top


Data Collection — XI.H.1

Data Infrastructure — II.E.7

Data Management Plan — II.D.2.i(ii)

Data Rights — XI.D

Data Storage — II.E.7

Davis-Bacon Act — XI.C.1

Deadline Dates — I.F.2

Dear Colleague Letters — I.C.4

Debarment and Suspension — XII.A.2.b, XII.C.1.d

Declination of Proposal — III.F, IV.C, IV.D

Decline for Financial or Administrative Reasons — III.F

Definitions of Categories of Personnel — Exhibit II-3

Delays — VII.B.1.c

Dependent Care Travel Costs — II.D.2.f(iv)(a), X.C.3

Deviation Authorization — I.F, II.A, II.D.1.a, Exhibit II-1

Direct Costs — II.D.2.f, X.B, X.C

Disability Regulations — XI.A

Disbursements — VIII.B.4, VIII.E

Disclaimer — XI.E.4.b

Disclosure Requirements — II.B

Discrimination — XI.A

Disengagement — VII.B.2

Disputes Resolution — XII.B

Dissemination Costs — II.D.2.f(vi)(b)

Dissemination of Research Results — II.D.2.i(ii), XI.D.4, XI.E, XI.H.2.c

Distribution of Grant Materials — XI.E

DNA Guidelines — XI.B.2

Documentation Costs — II.D.2.f(vi)(b), X.A.2.c, XI.E.2

Domestic Travel — II.D.2.f(iv)(b), X.C.3

Dual Use Research of Concern — II.D.2.a, II.E.6, XI.B.5

Duration Information — II.D.2.a


EArly-concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER) — II.F.3

Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX) — XI.A

Effective Date — see "Start Date"

Encourage/Discourage Decisions — I.D.3.b, IV.D.2.a

End Date — VI.D.1.b, VI.D.3.b

Endangered Species — II.D.2.i

Entertainment Costs - II.D.2.f(xiii)(a), II.F.8

Environmental Compliance — II.D.2.i, XI.K

Environmental Impact — II.D.2.i, XI.K

Equal Employment Opportunity — XI.A.6


— Acquisition — IX.E

— Allowability of Costs — II.D.2.f(iii), VII.B.2.e, IX.E.2, X.A.2.c

— Conditions for Acquisition and Use — IX.E.2

— Definition — II.D.2.f(iii)

— For-profit Organizations — IX.E.1

— General Purpose — II.D.2.f(iii), II.D.2.f(vi)(d), IX.E.2.b

— Government-Owned — – IX.E.2.g, IX.E.4, IX.E.5

— Non-profit Organizations — IX.E.1

— Prohibited Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment — II.D.2.f(xiii)(e), X.F

— Proposals — II.F.9

— Rental or Lease — X.C.3

— Shared Use — IX.E.2.d

— Special Purpose — II.D.2.f(iii), II.F.9

— Title — IX.E.1, IX.E.2.g, IX.E.4

— Transfer — VII.B.2.e, IX.E.2.g

Erroneous Payments — VIII.D.2

Ethical (Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research) — II.D.1.d(iv), IX.B, XI.M

Events (Natural or Anthropogenic) — I.F.2, II.F.2

Excess Government Personal Property — IX.E.5

Executive Order

— 12372, Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs — XI.G

— 12770, Metric Usage in Federal Government Programs — I.D.4, XI.N.3

Expendable Personal Property — see "Materials and Supplies"


— Allowability of Costs — II.D.2.f, Chapter X

— Recipient Responsibility VII.A.1

— Reports — VIII.E

— Outlays — VIII.B.4

Experimental Curriculum — XI.N.2

Expiration Date — see "End Date"

Extension for Special Creativity — VI.D.3.d

Extension of Award Period — VI.D.3.c


Facilitation Award for Scientists and Engineers with Disabilities (FASED) — II.D.2, II.D.2.i, II.F.7

Facilities and Administrative Costs (F&A) — II.D.2.f(v), II.D.2.f(vi), II.D.2.f(viii), II.D.2.f(ix), III.D, X.D

Facilities, Equipment and Other Resources — II.D.2.g, Exhibit II-1

Faculty Associate, Definition — Exhibit II-3

Federal Acquisition Regulation — II.D.2.fX.A

Federal Agencies — I.E.2.d, I.H, II.D.2.

Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information System (FAPIIS) — III.F, XII.A.2.a(vi)

Federal Cost Principles (now consolidated in 2 CFR § 200, Subpart E) — II.D.2.f, Chapter X

Federal Emergency Management Agency II.D.1.d(iii)

Federal Financial Reports — Chapter VIII

Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs) — I.E.2

Federal Wide Assurance (FWA) — II.E.5

Fee Payments — II.D.2.f(x), X.E

Fellowships — II.D.2, II.F.13, IV.D.2, VII.D.1, XI.B.3.b(iv), XI.D.3.b(ii)

Final Disbursement Reporting — VIII.E

Final Annual Project Report — VII.D.1, XI.H.2.c

Final Technical Information Items — VII.D

Financial Disclosure II.D.1.d, Exhibit II-2, IX.A

Financial Management System Standards — VIII.A, IX.D

Fiscal Reports — VIII.E

Fixed Amount Award — VI.D

Flood Hazard Insurance — II.D.1.d(iii)

Fonts — II.C.2, Exhibit II-1

Foreign Financial Disclosure Report (CHIPS & Science Act of 2022) — VII.D.3

Foreign Organizations — I.E.2, II.D.2.a, II.D.2.c, II.D.2.f, II.E.3, II.E.8, XI.B.3.b(iv), Exhibit II-1

Foreign Travel — II.D.2.f(iv)(c), XI.F

Foreign-Flag Air Carriers — – XI.F

Foreign subawards and consulting arrangements — VII.B.4

For-profit Organizations — I.E.2, IX.E.1

Freedom of Information Act — XI.H.2.b

Fringe Benefits — II.D.2.f(ii), III.D, X.B.1.b

Full Proposal — I.D.4, II.D.2, IV.B

Funding Opportunities — I.A, I.B, I.C

Funding Recommendations — Chapter III, Exhibit III-1


— Allowability of Costs/Expenditures — II.D.2.f, Chapter X

— Payment of — VIII.C

— Residual — VI.E.2

— Safeguarding — VIII.C.2

— Transfer of — VII.B

— Withholding — VIII.C.2


General Purpose Equipment — II.D.2.f(iii), IX.E.2.b

Government-Owned Equipment — IX.E

Graduate Advisors — II.D.2.h, Exhibit II-2

Graduate Students — I.E, II.D.2.i(i), Exhibit II-3, Chapter V

Grants and Agreements, Division of — I.H, III.F — I.A, I.G.1, II.A, II.B, II.C.2, IV.B, IV.D.2

Group Proposals — II.D.2.f(v)


Harassment (Sexual Harassment, Other forms of Harassment, or Sexual Assault — II.D.1.d(viii), II.E.9, II.F.8, II.F.10, VII.A.2, XI.A.1, XI.M

Hazardous Materials — II.D.2.i(viii)

High Performance Computing Resources — II.E.7

Higher Education, Institutions of — I.E.1

Historic Places — II.D.2.i, XI.J

Home Office Workspace — II.D.2.f(xiii)(d)

Human Subjects — II.D.2.a, II.D.2.f(v), II.D.2.f(vi), II.D.2.i, II.E.5, II.D.2.i(viii), XI.B.1


Ideas Lab — II.F.6

Inclusive, (Safe and Inclusive Working Environments for Off-Campus or Off-Site Research) — II.D.1.d(viii), II.D.2.a, II.E.9, XI.M

Income — VIII.D.4, II.D.2.a

Indirect Costs — II.D.2.f(v), II.D.2.f(viii), II.D.2.f(ix), III.D, X.D

Informal Resolution of Grant Administration Disputes — XII.B

Information Release — XI.H.2

In-Kind Contributions — II.D.2.f(xii), VII.C.2

Inspector General, Office of — XII.C

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee — II.E.4, XI.B.3

Institutional Review Board — II.E.5, XI.B.1

Institutions of Higher Education — I.E.1

Instrumentation and Facilities Guidelines — IX.E.3

Insurance — II.D.1.d(iii), XI.C.2

Intangible Property — XI.D

Intellectual Merit — II.D.1.d, II.D.2.b, II.D.2.d, Exhibit II-1, III.A, III.B

Intellectual Property — XI.D

Interest — VIII.D.3

Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs — II.D.2.i, XI.G


— Activities — I.E.2.c, II.E.8, XI.F

— Agreements — XI.F.3

— Charter Flights — XI.F.2

— Copyright — XI.D.2.a, XI.D.3

— Patents — XI.D.1.b, XI.D.3

— Projects — see "Foreign Projects"

— Travel — II.D.2.f(iv)(c), XI.F

— Travel Grants — IV.D.2.b

— Travel Proposals — II.F.10

Intra-University Consulting — X.B.2

Inventions and Patents — XI.D.1

Investigator Financial Disclosure — II.D.1.d, Exhibit II-2, IX.A

Invite/Not Invite Decisions — I.D.3.a


Large Facilities Projects — (see Major Facilities Projects)

Leased Facilities and Equipment — X.C.3

Leave, Sabbatical — VII.B.2.a

Letters of Collaboration — II.D.2.i(iii)

Letters of Intent — I.D.2

Letters of Support — II.D.2.i

Liabilities and Losses — XI.N.1

License Rights — XI.D.1

Limited English Proficiency (LEP) — XI.A.7

List of Suggested Reviewers or List of Reviewers Not to Include — II.D.1.b, Exhibit II-1

Living Organisms — XI.B

Local Governments — I.E.2.b

Long-Term Disengagement of PI — VII.B.2.a


Made in America, Build America, Buy America Statutes — X.C.1

Major Facilities Projects — II.D.2.f

Major Research Facilities — II.F.13

"March-in" Rights — XI.D.1.l

Margin and Spacing Requirements — II.C.2, Exhibit II-1

Materials and Supplies — II.D.2.f(vi)(a), IX.E

Maximum Obligation of NSF — X.A.2.a

Meals and Coffee Breaks — II.D.2.f(xiii)(b)

Meetings and Conferences — II.D.2.f(iv), II.D.2.f(v), II.E.8, II.F.8, X.C.3

Mentoring — II.D.2.i(i), II.E.3, Exhibit II-1

Merit Review Criteria — I.C, I.D.4, II.D.2, II.FChapter III

Merit Review Principles — Chapter III.A

Methods/Procedures, Changes in — VII.B.1.b

Metric Conversion Act of 1975 — I.D.4, XI.N.3

Minority-Owned Business — II.D.2.a

Misconduct in Science — I.D.4XII.C


National Center for Atmospheric Research — II.E.7

National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 — II.D.2.i, XI.K

National Flood Insurance Act — II.D.1.d(iii)

National Register of Historic Places — II.D.2.i(vii), XI.J

National Science Board — I.C, II.D.2.f(xii), III.A, III.B, IV.D.1, Chapter V, XI.D.1, XI.H.2

National Science Foundation

— Act — XI.C.2, XI.D.1

— Approvals — Chapter VII

National Security — XI.L

Natural Events — I.F.2, II.F.2

New Awardee — Chapter VI

News Release — X.C.2, XI.H.2

No-Cost Extension — VI.D.3.c

Non-academic Organization — I.E, II.D.2.f(i)(a), Chapter V

Non-award Decisions and Transactions — Chapter IV

Non-Discrimination Statutes and Regulations — XI.A

Non-profit Organization I.E, VII.E, IX.D.1.a, XI.E

Notifications to NSF Chapter VII

NSF ID — I.G.3

NSF Prospective New Awardee Guide — Chapter II

NSF Update — I.B

NSF Use Only — II.D.1


Objectives, Changes in — VII.B.1.a

Obligations — VIII.B.7

Off-Campus (Off Site) Activities — II.D.1.d(viii), II.D.2.a, II.E.9, XI.M

Office of Inspector General (NSF) — XII.C

Open Government Legislation — XI.H.2.b

Other Direct Costs — II.D.2.f(vi), X.C

Other Personnel — II.D.2.h(i), Exhibit II-3

Other Professional, Definition — Exhibit II-3

Outlays — VIII.B.4

Overhead — see "Indirect Costs"


Page Formatting Instructions — II.C.3

Page Limitations — II.D, Exhibit II-1, III.D, IV.B, IV.D.2, V.A, V.B

Pagination Instructions — II.C.1

Participant Support — II.D.2.f(v), II.F.9

Passports and Visas — XI.F.4

Patent Rights Clause — XI.D.1.c

Patents and Inventions — XI.D.1

Payments — Chapter VIII

Permits — XI.B.4, XI.F.3

Person-Month — II.D.2.f(i)(c), II.D.2.h(ii), VII.B.2

Personnel, Definitions Exhibit II-3

PI (co-PI)

— Addition of co-PI — VII.B.2.c

— Change in Person-Months — VII.B.2

— Compensation — II.D.2.f(i), X.B.1.a

— Definition — Exhibit II-3

— Information about PI and co-PIs — II.D.2.h.(i)(a)

— Long-Term Disengagement — VII.B.2.a

— Substitute (Change) — VII.B.2.e

— Transfer to Another Institution — VII.B.2.f

— Withdrawal VII.B.2.d

Place of Performance — II.D.2.a

Planning Proposals — II.F.1

Postdoctoral Associate — II.D.2.f(i), II.D.2.h(ii)

Postdoctoral Scholar — II.F.5, Exhibit II-3

Post-End Costs — X.A.2.c

Potentially Disqualifying Conflicts of Interest — Exhibit II-2

Pre-Award Costs — X.A.2.b

Pre-Award Financial and Administrative Reviews — III.F.1

Pre-College Students — XI.N.2

Preliminary Proposals — I.D.3

Preservation of Historic Places — II.D.2.i, XI.J

Press Releases — X.C.2, XI.H.2.a

Principal Investigator (PI), Definition — Exhibit II-3

Principles, Federal Cost (now consolidated in 2 CFR § 200, Subpart E) — II.D.2.f, Chapter X

Prior NSF Approval — Chapter VII, X.A.3

Privileged Information — III.H, XI.D.4

Procurement Standards — IX.F

Products — II.D.2.h

Professional Preparation — II.D.2.h

Professional Services — II.D.2.f(vi)(c)

Program Announcements — I.C.2

Program Descriptions — I.C.1

Program Income — VIII.D.4

Program Solicitations — I.C.3

Project Descriptions — II.D.2.d, Exhibit II-1

Project Performance — VII.A

Project/Performance Site — II.D.2.a

Primary Location — II.D.2.a

Project Reports VII.D

Project Summary II.D.2.b, Exhibit II-1


— Acquisition — IX.E.2

— Copyright and Publication — XI.D.2, XI.E

— Data and Software — XI.D.4

— Equipment — II.D.2.f(iii), IX.E.1, X.F

— Excess Government Personal Property — IX.E

— Intellectual — XI.D

— Inventions and Patents — XI.D.1

— Management Standards — IX.E

— Materials and Supplies — II.D.2.f(vi)(a), IX.E

— Protection of Historic Places — II.D.2.i, XI.J

— Title — IX.E, XI.D


—Certifications — I.G.2, II.D.1, II.D.1.d, II.D.1.e, Exhibit II-1

—Conference — II.F.8

—Contents — II.D.2

—Cover Sheet — II.D.2.a, Exhibit II-1

—Declination of Proposals for Financial or Administrative Reasons — III.F

—Declinations — III.E, III.F, Chapter IV

—Deviations — I.F, II.A, II.D, Exhibit II-1

—File Updates — III.C, IV.A

—Format — – II.C

—International Travel — II.D.2.f(iv)(c), II.D.2.i, II.F.11

—Margin and Spacing Requirements — II.C, Exhibit II-1

—Not Accepted — IV.B

—Page Formatting — II.C

—Pagination Instructions — II.C

—Preparation Checklist — Exhibit II-1

—Processing — I.H

—Proposal & Award Process & Timeline — Exhibit III-1

—Receipt — I.G.4

—Reconsideration — IV.D

—Renewed Support — II.D.2.d(vi), II.F.1, II.F.2, II.F.6, Chapter V

—Return without Review — II.A, Exhibit II-1, Exhibit III-1, IV.B, IV.D, IV.E

—Revisions Made During the Review Process — III.D

—Sections — II.D.2

—Status — I.G.4

—Submission — Chapter I, Chapter II, Exhibit II-1, IV.A, IV.E, Chapter V

—Symposia — see "Conference"

—Types — II.F

—Withdrawal — Chapter IV.A

Proprietary Information — – II.D.1.c, II.D.2.f(i)(d), II.E.1, III.H, XI.H.2.c

Prospective New Awardee Guide — Chapter II

Provisional Rate — X.D.1

Public Access Policy — XI.D.2.c, XI.E.1, XI.E.4.d

Publication(s) — II.D.2(ii)(a), II.D.2.f(i)(c), II.D.2.f(vi)(b), II.D.2.h(i)(c), XI.D.4, XI.E, XI.H.2


Questionnaires — XI.H.1


Rapid Response Research Grants (RAPID) — II.F.2

Rearrangements and Reconversion Costs — XI.C

Rebudgeting — II.D.2.f(i), VII.B.5


— Definition — VIII.B.6

— Organization — II.D.2.a, VIII.B.6

— Prior Approvals — Chapter VII

— Share — see "Cost Sharing"

— Standards — Chapter IX

Recombinant DNA — XI.B.2

Recompetition — Chapter V

Reconsideration of Proposals — IV.D

Records Retention — VII.E

References Cited II.D.2.e, Exhibit II-1

Refunds to NSF VIII.D

Rehabilitation Act of 1973 — XI.A.3

Reimbursements — VIII.C

Release of Recipient Proposal Information — III.H

Release of Information — XI.H.2

Renewed Support — II.D.2.d.iii, II.D.2.d(vi), VI.E.2

— Accomplishment-Based Renewal — V.B

— Traditional Renewal — V.A

Reporting Requirements — VII.D, VIII.D.4, VIII.E, XII.C.3


— Annual Project VII.D.1, XI.H.2.c

— Cost Sharing VII.C.3

— Final Disbursement Reporting — VIII.E

— Final Project — VII.D.2, XI.H.2.c

— Project Outcomes Report for the General Public — VII.D.3

— Technical Information Items — VII.D

Request for Advance or Reimbursement — VIII.C

Research Advanced by Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering (RAISE) — II.F.4

Research Assistant, Definition — Exhibit II-3

Research Equipment — II.D.2.f(iii), II.D.2.i, II.F.9, IX.D

Research Experiences for Undergraduates — II.D.2.i

Research Infrastructure Proposal — II.F.12

Research in Undergraduate Institutions — II.D.2.i

Research Involving Wildlife — II.E.4, XI.B.3

Research Misconduct — I.D.4, XII.C

Research Opportunity Awards — II.F.14

Research Security — IX.C

Residual Funds — VI.E.2

Resolution of Grant Administration Disputes — XII.B

Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research — II.D.1.d, IX.B, XI.M

Resubmission of Proposal — IV.E

Results from Prior NSF Support — II.D.2.d, Exhibit II-1, Chapter V

Return without Review — II.A, Exhibit II-1, Exhibit III-1, IV.B, IV.D, IV.E

Review Criteria — I.C, I.D.4, II.D.2, II.FChapter III

Reviews, Copies of — III.G, IV.A, IV.C

Revisions to Proposals (Made During the Review Process) — III.D

Revocation — XII.A

Rights in Data and Software — XI.D

Royalties under Grants — XI.D


Sabbatical Leave — VII.B.2.a

Safe, (Safe and Inclusive Working Environments for Off-Campus or Off-Site Research) — II.D.1.d(viii), II.D.2.a, II.E.9, XI.M

Salaries and Wages — II.D.2.f(i), X.B

— Administrative and Clerical Salaries and Wages Policy — II.D.2.f(i)(b), X.B.2

Confidential Budgetary Information — II.D.1.c, II.D.2.f(i)(d), II.E.1

— Policies — II.D.2.f(i)(a), II.D.2.f(i), X.B

— Procedures — II.D.2.f(i)(c), X.B

Scope, Change in — VII.B.1.a

Security, National — XI.L

Seismic Safety — XI.C.3

Selection of Reviewers — II.D.1.b, III.B

Senior/Key Personnel — II.D.2.h, Exhibit II-3

Harassment (Sexual Harassment, Other forms of Harassment, or Sexual Assault — II.E.9, II.F.8, II.F.10, VII.A.2, XI.A.1, XI.M

Sex Discrimination — I.E, XI.A.4

Shared Use of Equipment — IX.D.2.d, IX.D.3

Sharing Research Results — XI.D.4, XI.E

Short-Term Absence of PI — VII.B.2

Significant Change, Delay or Event of Unusual Interest — VII.B.1.c Single Copy Documents — II.D.1, Exhibit II-1

Site Visits — VII.A.1.c

Small Business — I.E.2, II.D.2, IV.D.2.b, IX.A, IX.E.1.b

Software Rights — XI.D

Special Creativity (Two-Year Extensions) — VI.D.3.d

Special Exceptions (to Deadline Date Policy) — I.F.2

Special Processing Instructions — II.E, Exhibit II-1

Special Information — II.D.2.i, Exhibit II-1

Sponsored Projects Office — I.D.3, IV.A

Staff Benefits — see "Fringe Benefits"


—Awardee / Recipient — Chapter IX

—Financial Management Systems — VIII.A, IX.D

—Procurement — IX.F

—Property Management — IX.E

Start Date — VI.D.1.a

State Governments — I.E.2.b

Students — I.E, II.D.2.h(i)(b)(i)(b), II.F.5, II.E.7, II.F.8, II.F.10, II.F.13, Exhibit II-1, Exhibit II-3, Chapter V

Subawards — II.D.2.f, II.D.2.f(vi)(e), II.D.2.g, II.D.2.i, II.E.3, VII.B.4, VIII.C.2.b


— Instructions — I.G.1, Chapter II, Exhibit II-1

— Windows — I.F.3

Substitute Principal Investigator — VII.B.2.e

Sunshine Act - XI.H.2.b(ii)

Supplemental Funding/Support — II.F, VI.D.3.b, VI.E.5

Supplementary Documentation — II.C.2, II.D.2, II.D.2.d, II.D.2.i, Exhibit II-1

Supplies see "Materials and Supplies"

Suspension of Award — XII.A

Synergistic Activities — II.D.2.h(i)(a)(6)

System for Award Management (SAM) — I.G.2


Tangible Property — XI.D.5

Target Dates — I.F.1

Tax Status — XI.I

Technical Reporting Requirements — VII.D

Telecommunications — X.F

Temporary Dependent Care Travel Costs — II.D.2.f(iv)(a), II.F.13, X.C.3

Termination of Award — XII.A


— Equipment — IX.D.1

— Patents and Inventions — IX.D.1

— Proposed Project

— Supplies and Materials — IX.E

— Tangible Property — IX.D.5

Total Direct Costs — II.D.2.f(vii)

Traditional Renewal — V.A

Transfer of

— Equipment — VII.B.2.f, IX.E.2.g

— Grant — VII.B.2.f

— Funds — VII.B.2.f, VII.B.4

— Principal Investigator — VII.B.2

— Project Effort — VII.B

Travel Allowances

— Dependent of Senior/Key Personnel — II.D.2.f(iv)(a), X.C.3

— Domestic — II.D.2.f(iv)(b), II.F.8, II.F.10

— Foreign — II.D.2.f(iv)(c), II.F.8, II.F.10

Travel Proposal — II.F.10

Tribal Governments — I.E.1.c

Types of Proposals — II.F

— Career-Life Balance (CLB) Supplemental Funding Requests — II.F.13

— Center — II.F.11

— Conference — II.F.8

— EArly-concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER) — II.F.3

— Equipment — II.F.9

— Facilitation Awards for Scientists and Engineers with Disabilities (FASED) — II.F.7

— Grant Opportunities for Academic Liaison with Industry (GOALI) — II.F.5

— Ideas Lab — II.F.6

— Planning — II.F.1

— Rapid Response Research (RAPID) — II.F.2

— Research Advanced by Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering (RAISE) — II.F.4

— Research Infrastructure — II.F.12

— Travel — II.F.10


Unaffiliated Individuals — I.E.3

Unallowable Costs — II.D.2.f(xiii)

— Alcoholic Beverages — II.D.2.f(xiii)(c)

— Entertainment Costs — II.D.2.f(xiii)(a)

— Meals and Coffee Breaks — II.D.2.f(xiii)(b)

Undergraduate Student, Definition Exhibit II-3

Underrecovery of Indirect Costs — II.D.2.f(viii), X.D.1.c

Unexpended Balance — VIII.B.11, VIII.D.1

Unfunded Collaborations — II.D.2.d(iv)

Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) — II.D.2.d(ii), II.D.2.h(i)(a)(5)

Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) — I.G.2

Universities (Institutions of Higher Education), Definition — I.E.1

Unliquidated Obligations — VIII.B.12

Unobligated Balance — VIII.B.13

US-Flag Air Carriers — II.D.2.f(iv)(a), XI.F.1.b


Vertebrate Animals — II.D.2i(ix), II.E.4, XI.B.3

Veterans Administration — I.E

Video Surveillance Services — II.D.2.f(xiii)(e), X.F

Visas — XI.F.4

Visual Materials — II.D.2.d(ii)

Visualization Resources — II.E.7


Wages — see "Salaries and Wages"

Wildlife Research — II.E.4, XI.B.3

Withdrawal of Principal Investigator — VII.B.2.d

Withdrawal of Proposal — IV.A

Withholding Payments — VIII.C.2.c

Woman-Owned Business — II.D.2.a

Working Capital Advance — VIII.C.5