FY 2008 Budget Request to Congress

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FY 2008 Budget Request to Congress
Cover image: North Pole Midnight Sun
Credit: Peter West, National Science Foundation
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The National Science Foundation proposes a fiscal year (FY) 2008 investment of $6.43 billion to advance the frontiers of research and education in science and engineering. The NSF FY 2008 Budget Request includes an increase of $408.79 million (6.8 percent) over the FY 2007 Budget Request. At this level, NSF will build on recent advances and support promising initiatives to strengthen the Nation's capacity for discovery and innovation.

The President's American Competitiveness Initiative (ACI) sets a bold challenge, calling for expanded federal investment to drive innovation and sharpen the Nation's competitive edge. To maintain the U.S. position at the forefront of discovery, learning, and innovation, the ACI commits to doubling investments over 10 years in NSF and other principal sources of federal support for the physical sciences and engineering. NSF's task in this ambitious undertaking is to uphold the leadership and excellence in fundamental research and education that keeps America at the leading edge of science, engineering, and technology.


To view related information about the budget request, please use the links below.

 Budget, Finance & Award Mgmt (BFA)
 Budget Division
 Office of Legislative & Public Affairs (OLPA)
 Press Release: NSF Requests $6.43 Billion for Fiscal Year 2008
 Fact Sheet: Cyber-enabled Discovery and Innovation
 Fact Sheet: NSF and the International Polar Year (IPY) 2007-2008
 Statement by the NSF Director
 Director's FY 2008 Budget Request Slides
 View the Video of the Director's Remarks
 NSF FY 2008 Budget Open House -- Exhibits

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