About the series
Please join NSF's Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences for a webinar about the Build and Broaden program.
The event will take place on January 21 from 1-2 p.m. Eastern time.
The Build and Broaden program supports cutting-edge research, training opportunities and new research infrastructure in the social, behavioral and economic sciences at minority-serving institutions, including historically Black colleges and universities, Hispanic-serving institutions and tribal colleges and universities.
The event will include:
- Remarks by NSF Acting Assistant Director Kellina Craig-Henderson.
- A review of the program and proposal preparation guidance from Build and Broaden program directors.
- A Q&A session for participants to ask questions.
Registration is required to attend. Go to Build and Broaden 3.0 webinar registration.
- After registering, you will receive a confirmation email and instructions from no-reply@zoomgov.com.
Live captions will be available during the event. Go to Build and Broaden 3.0 webinar captions during the event.
- If you require additional reasonable accommodations, please contact nsfsbemtgsupport@nsf.gov by January 19.
We encourage you to review materials from our December 17 webinar in advance. A recording and copy of the presentation can be found as attachments on the December 17 webinar event page.