Empowering tomorrow: NSF's role in advancing AI-Driven STEM research

The U.S. National Science Foundation plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of research and innovation, especially in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. By funding innovative projects that harness the potential of artificial intelligence, NSF aims to increase participation in STEM fields and equip STEM researchers to help address the world's most pressing challenges. Read below to explore how NSF leverages AI to foster advancements in STEM research, offering a glimpse into a future where technology and human ingenuity merge to unlock new horizons. 


The spectrum of AI research supported by NSF 

NSF supports diverse AI research projects that span multiple disciplines and industries, such as the NSF Research Traineeship program that supports AI research. These projects encompass a range of areas of concentration, including AI research democratization, safe, secure AI software development that ensures trustworthy AI-human interaction, and AI-powered research and education. By funding this research, NSF helps drive innovation that can adapt to and address complex global challenges.  

An infinity symbol formed by clusters of tiny, multicolored dots


The pillars of the national AI research institutes 

In its commitment to advancing AI research, NSF has established 25 National AI Research Institutes, each focusing on key areas of AI development. Highlighted are a few of the areas that directly support NSF funding for AI-supported graduate STEM research: 

1. Trustworthy and ethical AI: This area focuses on creating dependable and fair AI systems, ensuring they support decision-making in a traceable and justifiable manner. 

2. Human-AI interaction and collaboration: Research here aims to improve the ways humans and AI systems collaborate, ensuring that these interactions enhance human capabilities and productivity. 

3. AI and advanced cybersecurity: This AI institute concentrates on leveraging AI to bolster cybersecurity measures, protecting data and systems from increasingly sophisticated threats. 

4. AI-augmented learning: Focused on education, this area seeks to use AI to transform learning experiences, make education more accessible and prepare an AI-ready workforce.  



Spotlight on NSF-funded IGE projects utilizing AI 

NSF’s investment in the Innovations for Graduate Education (IGE) program is instrumental in integrating AI into STEM education and research. Learn more about two notable IGE projects below: 


An artist's interpretation of the brain-like computing power behind a new synaptic transistor developed by researchers. Experiments show the transistor goes beyond simple machine-learning tasks to categorize data and is capable of performing associative learning.


Revolutionizing STEM through AI in applied mathematics at the University of Arizona 

The IGE program at the University of Arizona is set to transform the graduate program in applied mathematics (AM) by thoroughly incorporating AI into its project goals. This initiative addresses the critical need for a workforce adept at navigating the interface between traditional AM and AI, particularly in response to national and global challenges. 

The project aims to revolutionize STEM education and nontraditional research careers by modernizing the AM curriculum, aligning it more closely with contemporary needs in national security and industrial applications. The main goal is to create a robust pipeline of skilled researchers equipped to tackle complex problems and deliver solutions that benefit society. This effort also seeks to broaden participation in the STEM field by attracting and preparing diverse groups of students for STEM research.  


Approach and implementation 

The AM Graduate Interdisciplinary Program at the University of Arizona serves as the pilot for an innovative training model. The project fosters collaborations involving doctoral students, their university advisors, and co-advisors from national or industrial laboratories. These partnerships provide students with extensive direct experience in traditional and AI-enhanced AM fields, bridging the gap between academic and practical applications in STEM. 


Outcomes and impact 

So far, the project has begun to lay the groundwork for what promises to be a transformative educational model. By integrating AI into the AM curriculum, the program not only advances the field but also ensures that graduates are well-prepared for the challenges of the AI-driven workplace. The collaborations with high-profile partners such as Raytheon and Department of Energy laboratories enhance the transition of graduates to nonacademic environments, promoting a seamless integration of academic training with industry and national lab opportunities. 

The project also includes a component of social science research to evaluate the effectiveness of these innovative educational strategies, aiming to understand the processes that contribute to their success. The outcomes from this project will serve as a blueprint for other AM doctoral programs nationwide, setting a precedent for the development of a diverse, competitive, and future-ready workforce. 

Ultimately, this visionary NSF-funded initiative at the University of Arizona exemplifies how integrating AI into STEM education can help accelerate and scale how to educate future leaders and prepare them to address pressing global challenges. Learn more about the program.  



Innovating STEM graduate education with adaptive professional training at Regents at the University of Michigan

The University of Michigan has embarked on a transformative journey with an IGE program to revolutionize STEM graduate education through an Adaptive Professional Training (APT) system. This initiative addresses the critical need for enhanced professional skills development and career exploration within STEM education frameworks, which have traditionally been underserved by conventional learning models. 

The project's primary goal is to overcome the limitations of traditional STEM graduate education, which often does not sufficiently emphasize the development of professional skills critical for long-term career success. The project recognizes that sporadic and optional extracurricular opportunities for skill development are insufficient and often lead to inconsistent learning experiences and ineffective use of resources. 


Approach and implementation 

To address these challenges, the University of Michigan is developing the APT Learning Management System (LMS), a pioneering platform that aggregates diverse educational and professional development opportunities from various levels, departmental to external, into a unified, accessible system. The APT LMS provides: 

  • A centralized online hub for learning opportunities linked with core professional skill competencies. 
  • Adaptive learning recommendations tailored to graduate students' individual needs and interests, influenced by both mentor feedback and AI-driven insights. 
  • Portfolio-building tools to help students track and highlight their skills and achievements. 
  • Program assessment capabilities that enable the collection of data to support evidence-based educational policies and optimize resource allocation. 


Outcomes and impact 

The project is currently in its testing phase, using a cohort of STEM graduate students to evaluate the effectiveness of the APT LMS compared to traditional models. Preliminary outcomes suggest that this innovative approach promotes more intentional and effective professional development. Students using the APT system have shown more uniform improvement in key competencies such as science communication and a heightened awareness of available learning resources. This systematic integration of professional training into the graduate education process will lead students to more successful career outcomes. 

Emphasizing structured, feedback-informed, and technology-enhanced learning pathways, the University of Michigan's APT LMS represents a significant leap forward in making STEM graduate education more relevant, adaptive, and successful in preparing students to help solve global challenges. This initiative not only promises to enhance the quality and effectiveness of STEM graduate training but also sets a new standard for how graduate education can be reimagined to meet evolving professional needs. Learn more about the APT LMS program.   


Investing in the future of humanity 

Through its strategic funding of AI-driven projects, NSF is not just investing in technology; it is investing in humanity's future. By prioritizing ethical considerations, enhancing human-machine collaboration, fortifying cybersecurity and transforming educational paradigms, NSF plays a crucial role in developing a STEM workforce equipped to tackle global challenges with innovation and integrity. For researchers, educators and the public alike, NSF's initiatives offer inspiration and a call to action to participate in the continuously evolving field of AI-driven STEM.