NSF REU: Information for Faculty

The U.S. National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates (NSF REU) program offers research opportunities to undergraduates in any of the research areas funded by NSF.

REU Sites engage a cohort of students in research projects focusing on a discipline or other coherent scientific/intellectual theme.

REU Supplements engage students in research related to a new or ongoing NSF research award.

Program overview

The NSF REU program aims to increase the involvement of undergraduates (college and university students) in all types of NSF-supported research in STEM, including disciplinary, interdisciplinary and education research. The program embraces the integration of research and education to attract a diverse pool of talented students into STEM careers and to help ensure that these students receive the best education possible. It stresses the engagement of students in authentic, intensive research that is as independent as each student's level of preparation will allow.

NSF REU research projects are conducted at colleges and universities, research centers, national labs, observatories, museums, field sites and many other settings in the United States and worldwide.

The REU program offers two mechanisms for supporting student research:

  1. REU Sites are based on independent proposals, submitted for an annual deadline date, to conduct projects that engage a cohort of undergraduate students in research. These projects may be based in a single discipline or academic department or may offer interdisciplinary or multi-department research opportunities that share a coherent scientific/intellectual theme.
  2. REU Supplements typically provide support for one or two undergraduate students to participate in research as part of a new or ongoing NSF-funded research project. Centers or large research efforts may request support for a larger number of students.

How to apply

REU Sites

Proposals for REU Sites must follow the guidance in the NSF REU program solicitation. Proposals are due annually on the deadline date specified in the solicitation.

REU Supplements

Requests for REU Supplements must follow the guidance in the NSF REU program solicitation. There is no deadline for supplement requests, but submitters must follow any time constraints provided by program officers in the underlying research program.

  • For guidance about preparing an REU Supplement request as a component of a new (or renewal) research proposal, contact the program officer who manages the relevant research program. 
  • For guidance about preparing an REU Supplement request for an existing NSF award, contact the program officer assigned to the NSF award that would be supplemented.

REU Site program contacts

REU Sites are funded by research divisions and directorates throughout NSF. Each disciplinary unit has a point of contact for questions about REU Site proposals. See the list below.

Biological sciences (BIO)

Email: reu.bio@nsf.gov 
Phone: (703) 292-8470
BIO REU webpage

Computer and information science and engineering (CISE)

Advanced cyberinfrastructure
Email: reu.aci@nsf.gov
Phone: (703) 292-8910

All other computer science programs
Email: reu.cise@nsf.gov
Phone: (703) 292-8950
CISE REU webpage

Engineering (ENG)

Engineering Research Centers (ERC)
Email: reu.eng.erc@nsf.gov
Phone: (703) 292-8380

All other engineering programs
Email: reu.eng@nsf.gov
Phone: (703) 292-8380

Geosciences (GEO)

Atmospheric and geospace sciences (AGS)
Email: reu.ags@nsf.gov
Phone: (703) 292-8521

Earth sciences (EAR)
Email: reu.ear@nsf.gov
Phone: (703) 292-4705

Ocean sciences (OCE)
Email: reu.oce@nsf.gov
Phone: (703) 292-7709
OCE REU webpage

Office of Polar Programs (OPP)
Email: reuplr@nsf.gov
Phone: (703) 292-7709

International activities

Email: reu.int@nsf.gov
Phone: (703) 292-8710

Mathematical and physical sciences (MPS)

Astronomical sciences (AST)
Email: reu.ast@nsf.gov 
Phone: (703) 292-8535
AST REU webpage  

Chemistry (CHE)
Email: reu.che@nsf.gov 
Phone: (703) 292-7448 
CHE REU webpage

Materials research (DMR)
Email: reu.dmr@nsf.gov 
Phone: (703) 292-4936

Mathematical sciences (DMS)
Email: reu.dms@nsf.gov 
Phone: (703) 292-8870
DMS REU webpage

Email: reu.phy@nsf.gov 
Phone: (703) 292-8236 

Social, behavioral and economic sciences (SBE)

Email: reu.sbe@nsf.gov
Phone: (703) 292-7376
SBE REU webpage

STEM education (EDU)

Email: reu.edu@nsf.gov
Phone: (703) 292-2973

NSF REU coordinator

Email: reu.coord@nsf.gov