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Archaeology and Archaeometry

Status: Archived

Archived funding opportunity

This document has been archived.

Important information for proposers

All proposals must be submitted in accordance with the requirements specified in this funding opportunity and in the NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) that is in effect for the relevant due date to which the proposal is being submitted. It is the responsibility of the proposer to ensure that the proposal meets these requirements. Submitting a proposal prior to a specified deadline does not negate this requirement.


The Archaeology Program provides support for anthropologically relevant archaeological research at both a "senior" and doctoral dissertation level. It also funds anthropologically significant archaeometric research.  High risk exploratory research proposals are accepted for consideration and a description of these competitions is provided in the Archaeology Program Overview. 

Program contacts

John E. Yellen
Program Director
jyellen@nsf.gov (703) 292-8759 SBE/BCS

Awards made through this program

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