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Dear Colleague Letter

Updates to the 2017 Smart and Connected Health Solicitation

Dear Colleagues:

The National Science Foundation (NSF) recently released a new solicitation for Smart and Connected Health (see NSF 16-601 With this Dear Colleague Letter (DCL), NSF wishes to notify the community of relevant changes and additions to the program for 2017.

Changes to the 2017 SCH Solicitation: The 2017 SCH solicitation will only support Integrative Projects (INT). For these proposals, NSF and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) seek SCH research that is transdisciplinary while addressing key application areas by solving problems in multiple scientific and engineering domains. These projects are expected to further our understanding of how advances in computing, engineering and behavioral and social science, would support transformations in healthcare and improve population health. As described in the solicitation, INT project descriptions must be comprehensive and well integrated, and should make a convincing case that the collaborative contributions of the project team will be greater than the sum of each of their individual contributions. Collaborations with researchers in the health application domains are required. INT proposals should be submitted by December 8, 2016. Please note that the program is no longer soliciting the Exploratory (EXP) SCH proposals.

In addition to the changes above, the SCH program encourages submission of EArly-concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER) proposing breakthrough SCH research. The SCH goal is to accelerate the development and use of innovative approaches that would support the much needed transformation of healthcare and population health in this country. SCH EAGERs provide the proof-of-concept or feasibility of novel approaches in its early stages (or untested) for potentially transformative research ideas to promote the vision of Smart and Connected Health. An EAGER proposal should be especially 'high-risk/high-reward' in the sense that it involves radically different approaches, applies new expertise or engages novel disciplinary or interdisciplinary perspectives. EAGERs may lead to new SCH INT activities.

EAGER proposals submitted to this DCL should follow NSF guidelines for EAGERs (, including making a clear case why they are appropriate for EAGER funding, including why they do not fit into existing programs and how they constitute 'high-risk/high-reward' research. Budgets should be well-justified. PI(s) must contact a cognizant NSF program officer to discuss the proposal topic before submitting their EAGER proposal, to ensure whether the proposed work is appropriate for EAGER funding. EAGER proposals must be submitted by December 14, 2016.

For more information about this DCL or the SCH solicitation, please see the NSF SCH website ( or contact one of the following program directors:

  • Wendy Nilsen, Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering, Division of Information and Intelligent Systems,
  • Jack Brassil, Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering, Division of Computer and Network Systems,
  • Georgia-Ann Klutke, Directorate for Engineering, Division of Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation,
  • Sylvia Spengler, Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering, Division of Information and Intelligent Systems,
  • Jie Yang, Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering, Division of Information and Intelligent Systems,
  • Aidong Zhang, Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering, Division of Information and Intelligent Systems,
  • Tatiana (Tanya) Korelsky, Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering, Division of Computer and Network Systems,
  • Dmitry Maslov, Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering, Division of Computing and Communication Foundations,


Jim Kurose
Assistant Director, SBE

Fay Cook
Assistant Director, Geosciences

Grace Jinliu Wang
Assistant Director, ENG (Acting)