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Mathematical Social and Behavioral Sciences :

Status: Archived

Archived funding opportunity

This document has been archived.

Important information for proposers

All proposals must be submitted in accordance with the requirements specified in this funding opportunity and in the NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) that is in effect for the relevant due date to which the proposal is being submitted. It is the responsibility of the proposer to ensure that the proposal meets these requirements. Submitting a proposal prior to a specified deadline does not negate this requirement.

Facilitating Research Interactions Between the Mathematical and Statistical Sciences and the Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences


This solicitation invites submission of research proposals for projects that advance the mathematical or statistical foundations of research in the social, behavioral, or economic sciences. The resulting research is expected both to further understanding of social and/or behavioral science phenomena and to address a topic of interest to the mathematical sciences. Proposals for workshops or symposia that foster the interaction of social, behavioral, and/or economic scientists with mathematicians and/or statisticians also are welcome.

Program contacts

Giles Auchmuty
Program Director
gauchmut@nsf.gov (703) 292-8584
Rong Chen
Program Director
rchen@nsf.gov (703) 292-4868
Cheryl L. Eavey
Program Director
ceavey@nsf.gov (703) 292-7269 SBE/SES
Michael Smith
Program Director
msmith@nsf.gov (703) 292-4398

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