Office of Polar Programs Data Repositories and Resources

The U.S. National Science Foundation policy on the dissemination and sharing of research results states that principal investigators (PIs) are expected to share the data, physical samples, code and other supporting materials (characterized as "data" below) created or gathered in the course of work under NSF-funded awards with other researchers and the public within a reasonable time. 

Data-sharing holds numerous benefits, including enabling broader research collaboration, facilitating transparency, solidifying confidence in scientific research, enabling data or samples reuse and providing increased resources for teaching and education purposes. Research articles containing a link to data in a repository have markedly higher usage and visibility. 

Discoverable and citable data also serve to reduce barriers to entry for junior researchers, scientists from underserved communities, and researchers from underrepresented and minority groups, thus enabling improved implementation of open science principles. With these aims in mind, the NSF Office of Polar Programs (NSF OPP) expects all data, samples and code to be as open as possible within ethical parameters.

OPP guidance

As expressed in Dear Colleague Letter: Office of Polar Programs Data and Sample Management Policy, instead of generalist repositories, OPP PIs should make full use of community-accepted, disciplinary repositories. OPP-funded data centers can support PIs in developing and implementing their data management plans (DMPs which will provide open, ethical and timely access to quality-controlled and fully documented data, samples, software/code and products during and at the conclusion of the project).

In addition to conversations with the relevant program officer(s), this resource page is intended to help OPP PIs identify appropriate repositories and resources as they develop and implement DMPs. Each DMP should be appropriate for the data, software/code, physical samples and other research materials being generated, and each should reflect the best practices and standards in the area(s) of research being proposed (such as Indigenous knowledge protocols, vertebrate subject protocols, environmental regulations, permitting, etc.).

Considerations include the following: 

OPP funds data centers to help PIs and researchers to meet their needs for archiving and sharing data and products, including support for the development of DMPs, minting DOIs, facilitating data access, providing training, and more. OPP recommends that PIs:

  • Communicate early with target repositories to ensure that appropriate resources are available.
  • Use archived examples and/or the repository's preferred tool to create DMPs (e.g., the DMPTool for the ADC or ezDMP for the USAP-DC)
  • Take advantage of free training in general data management best practices and the use of NSF-funded repositories and community offices (e.g., ADC, USAP-DC, ESIP and others).
  • Share DMPs with OPP-funded repositories to help the repositories serve users, provide examples for others, and encourage accountability.

OPP-funded repositories

Generalist repositories

  • Zenodo. Note that while GitHub may be appropriate for code collaboration and versioning, it is not an appropriate long-lived archive. GitHub can easily deliver a static, citable version to a generalist repository like Zenodo, which will mint a DOI, with metadata reported to ADC and/or USAP-DC. Alternatively, static versions can be deposited in appropriate disciplinary repositories above, which will also mint a DOI.
  • Searchable global registries of data repositories such as Registry of Research Data Repositories and Designing Materials to Revolutionize our Future Software & Data provide information on indexed repositories to help researchers identify the most appropriate ones.