NSF 2005 Budget Request to Congress - List of Tables

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National Science Foundation
FY 2005 Budget Request to Congress

Tables Available in Excel Format

National Science Foundation Overview

NSF Funding by Appropriation

NSF Budget by Strategic Goal

FY 2005 Budget Request (chart)

NSF Funding by Priority Area

NSF Investments and Strategic Goals

NSF Budget by Strategic Goal

NSF Budget by Strategic Outcome Goal and Investment Categories

NSF Priority Area Investments

Biocomplexity in the Environment Funding

Long-Term Funding for Biocomplexity in the Environment

Nanoscale Science and Engineering Funding (NS&E)

Long-Term Funding for Nanoscale Science and Engineering

FY 2005 Annual Performance Goal: Average Annualized Award Size for Research Grants Funded via
the NS&E Solication

FY 2005 Annual Performance Goal: Access to Infrastructure

Mathematical Sciences Funding

Long-Term Funding for the Mathematical Sciences

Human and Social Dynamics Funding

Long-Term Funding for Human and Social Dynamics

Workforce for the 21st Century Funding

Long-Term Funding for Workforce for the 21st Century

Information Technology Research Funding


People Funding by Investment Category

Individuals Funding by Program

FY 2005 Annual Performance Goal: Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeships (IGERT) and Graduate Research Fellowships (GRF) Stipend Level

Institutions Funding by Program

Collaborations Funding by Program

Number of People Involved in NSF Activities


Ideas Funding by Investment Category

FY 2005 Annual Performance Goal: Award Size

FY 2005 Annual Performance Goal: Award Duration

Fundamental Science and Engineering Funding

Capability Enhancement Funding

Centers Funding

FY 2003 Estimates for Selected Centers


Tools Funding

Facilities Funding

FY 2005 Annual Performance Goal: Facility Operations

Academic Research Fleet (ARF) Funding Profile

ARF Educational Participation

Advanced Modular Incoherent Scatter Radar (AMISR) Funding Profile

Cornell Electron Storage Ring (CESR) Funding Profile

Gemini Funding Profile

Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS) Funding Profile

IRIS Participation

Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO) Funding Profile

National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (NHMFL) Funding Profile

Participation in NHMFL Education Programs

National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network (NNIN) Funding Profile

National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL) Funding Profile

Participants in the NSCL Physics of Atomic Nuclei Progra

Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) / Integrated Ocean Drilling Funding Profile

ODP Participation

Partnerships for Advanced Computational Infrastructure (PACI) Funding Profile

Cyberinfrastructure Funding Profile

PACI Participation

Resource Usage, by NSF Directorate

Infrastructure and Instrumentation Funding

Polar Tools, Facilities and Logistics Funding

Antarctic Facilities and Operations Funding Profile

Federally-Funded Research and Development Centers Funding

National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center (NAIC) Funding Profile

National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) Funding Profile

National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) Funding Profile

National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Funding Profile

Direct Impact of NCAR's Participation in Education Activities

Organizational Excellence

Summary of Organizational Excellence

Summary of Organizational Excellence by Function

NSF Workforce

FY 2005 Annual Performance Goal: Time to Decision

Comparison of NSF Budget, Staff and Competitive Proposal Submissions Over Time

FY 2005 Organizational Excellence Budget Request by Percentage

Organizational Excellence by Appropriations Account

Technical Information

Summary of FY 2005 Budget by Appropriation and Activity

Level of Funding by Program

Object Classification

Reimbursable Awards by Agency

Personnel Summary

Detail of Permanent Appointments

Distribution of FY 2003 Carryover into FY 2004

FY 2005 Full Budgetary Costing

NSF Summary Tables and Charts

NSF by Strategic Goal and Account

NSF by Strategic Outcome Goal and Investment Category

NSF Tools by Investment Category

NSF Selected Crosscutting Programs

NSF Funding Profile

NSF NSTC Crosscuts

NSF People Funding by Level of Education

NSF by Account in Current Dollars

NSF Twenty-Year Budget by Account - Current Dollars

NNSF Twenty-Year Budget History - Current Dollars

NSF Complete Budget History by Account - Current Dollars

NSF Complete Budget History - Current Dollars

NSF by Account in FY 2003 Constant Dollars

NSF Twenty-Year Budget by Account - FY 2003 Constant Dollars

NSF Twenty-Year Budget History - FY 2003 Constant Dollars

NSF Complete Budget History by Account - FY 2003 Constant Dollars

NSF Complete Budget History - FY 2003 Constant Dollars

Research and Related Activities

Research and Related Activities Funding

Directorate Summaries

Biological Sciences

Biological Sciences Funding

Federal Support for Basic Research in Environmental Biology (chart)

Federal Support for Basic Research in Non-Medical Biological Sciences (chart)

BIO Subactivity Funding (chart)

FY 2005 BIO Strategic Goals (chart)

Funding by Strategic Goal: Summary

BIO People Investments

BIO Ideas Investments

BIO Centers

BIO Tools Investments

Biological Sciences Investments in NSF Priority Areas

Number of People Involved in BIO Activities

BIO Funding Profile

Molecular and Cellular Biosciences Funding

Integrative Biology and Neuroscience Funding

Environmental Biology Funding

Biological Infrastructure Funding

Emerging Frontiers Funding

Plant Genome Research Funding

Computer and Information Science and Engineering

Computer and Information Science and Engineering Funding

Federal Support of Basic Research in Computer and Information Science and Engineering at Academic Institutions (chart)

CISE Subactivity Funding (chart)

FY 2005 CISE Strategic Goals

Funding by Strategic Goal: Summary

CISE Investments in People

CISE Investments in Ideas

CISE Centers

CISE Investments in Tools

CISE Facilities

CISE Investments in Infrastructure and Instrumentation

CISE Investments in NSF Priority Areas

Number of People Involved in CISE Activities

CISE Funding Profile

Computer and Network Systems Funding

Computing and Communications Foundations Funding

Information and Intelligent Systems Funding

Shared Cyberinfrastructure Funding

Information Technology Research Funding


Engineering Funding

Federal Support of Basic Research in Engineering at Academic Institutions (chart)

ENG Subactivity Funding (chart)

FY 2005 ENG Strategic Goals

Funding by Strategic Goal: Summary

ENG People Investments

ENG Ideas Investments

ENG Centers

ENG Tools Investments

ENG Investments in Priority Areas

Number of People Involved in ENG Activities

ENG Funding Profile

Bioengineering and Environmental Systems Funding

Chemical and Transport Systems Funding

Civil and Mechanical Systems Funding

Design, Manufacture and Industrial Innovation Funding

Electrical and Communications Systems Funding

Engineering Education and Centers Funding


Geosciences Funding

Federal Support for Basic Research in Geosciences at Academic Institutions (chart)

GEO Subactivity Funding (chart)

FY 2005 GEO Strategic Goals (chart)

Funding by Strategic Goal: Summary

GEO People Investments

GEO Ideas Investments

GEO Centers

GEO Investments in Tools

GEO Investments in Priority Areas

Number of People Involved in GEO Activities

GEO Funding Profile

Atmospheric Sciences Funding

Earth Sciences Funding

Ocean Sciences Funding

Mathematical and Physical Sciences

Mathematical and Physical Sciences Funding

Federal Support of Basic Research in Math and Physical Sciences at Academic Institutions (chart)

MPS Subactivity Funding (chart)

FY 2005 MPS Strategic Goals (chart)

Funding by Strategic Goal: Summary

MPS People Investments

MPS Ideas Investments

MPS Centers

MPS Investments in Tools

MPS Investments in Priority Areas

Number of People Involved in MPS Activities

MPS Funding Profile

Astronomical Sciences Funding

Chemistry Funding

Materials Research Funding

Mathematical Sciences Funding

Physics Funding

Multidisciplinary Activities

Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences

Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences Funding

Federal Support for Basic Research in the Social Sciences at Academic Institutions (chart)

SBE Subactivity Funding (chart)

FY 2005 SBE Strategic Goals (chart)

SBE Funding by Strategic Goal: Summary

SBE People Investments

SBE Ideas Investments

SBE Centers

SBE Tools Investments

SBE Investments in Priority Areas

Number of People Involved in SBE Activities

SBE Funding Profile

Social and Economic Sciences Funding

Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences Funding

Science Resources Statistics Funding

Office of International Science and Engineering (OISE) Funding

Office of International Science and Engineering FY 2005 Strategic Goals

OISE Funding by Strategic Goal: Summary

OISE People Investments

OISE Ideas Investments

OISE Investments in NSF Priority Areas

Number of People Receiving OISE-funded Salary/Stipend Support

OISE Funding Profile

U.S. Polar Programs

Office of Polar Programs Funding

OPP Subactivity Funding (chart)

FY 2005 Polar Programs Strategic Goals (chart)

Funding by Strategic Goal: Summary

OPP People Investments

OPP Ideas Investments

OPP Tools Investments

OPP Investments in NSF Priority Areas

Number of People Involved in OPP Activities

OPP Funding Profile

Polar Research Programs Funding

Antarctic Operations and Science Support

Antarctic Logistical Support Funding

Integrative Activities

Integrative Activities Funding

Integrative Activities Funding by Program

Integrative Activities Funding (chart)

FY 2005 Integrative Activities Strategic Goals

Summary of Integrative Activities Funding by Strategic Goal

IA People Investments

IA Ideas Investments

IA Tools Investments

Education and Human Resources

Education and Human Resources Funding

EHR Subactivity Funding (chart)

FY 2005 EHR Strategic Goals (chart)

Funding by Strategic Goal: Summary

EHR People Investments

Individuals Funding by Program

Collaborations Funding by Program

EHR Investments in NSF Priority Areas

Number of People Involved in EHR Activities

Teacher Professional Continuum Funding

Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research Funding

Elementary, Secondary and Informal Education Funding

Undergraduate Education Funding

Graduate Education Funding

Human Resource Development Funding

Research, Evaluation and Communication Funding

Major Research Equipment and Facilities Construction

Major Research Equipment and Facilities Construction Funding

MREFC Account

MREFC Funding as a Percent of Tools and of the Total NSF Budget (chart)

Appropriated and Requested MREFC Funds for Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA)

ALMA Funding Profile

ALMA Funding by Phase

Appropriated and Requested MREFC Funds for EarthScope

EarthScope Funding Profile

EarthScope Funding, by Phase (chart)

Appropriated MREFC Funds for High Performance Instrumented Airborne Platform for Environmental Research (HIAPER)

HIAPER Funding Profile

HIAPER Funding, by Phase (chart)

Appropriated and Requested MREFC Funds for IceCube

IceCube Funding Profile

IceCube Funding, by Phase (chart)

Appropriated MREFC Funds for Large Hadron Collider (LHC)

Large Hadron Collider Funding Profile

LHC Funding, by Phase (chart)

Appropriated and Requested MREFC Funds for George E. Brown, Jr., Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES)

NEES Funding Profile

NEES Funding, by Phase (chart)

Appropriated and Requested Funds MREFC Funds for South Pole Station Modernization (SPSM)

South Pole Station Modernization Funding Profile

SPSM Funding, by Phase (chart)

Appropriated Funds for Terascale Computing Systems (TCS)

TCS Funding Profile

Terascale Funding, by Phase (chart)

Requested MREFC Funds for the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON)

NEON Funding Profile

NEON Funding, by Phase (chart)

Requested MREFC Funds for the Scientific Ocean Drilling Vessel (SODV)

Scientific Ocean Drilling Vessel Funding Profile

Scientific Ocean Drilling Funding, by Phase (chart)

Requested MREFC Funds for Rare Symmetry Violating Processes (RSVP)

RSVP Funding Profile

RSVP Funding, by Phase (chart)

Requested MREFC Funds for Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI

OOI Funding Profile

OOI Funding, by Phase (chart)

Requested MREFC Funds for the Alaska Region Research Vessel (ARRV)

ARRV Funding Profile

ARRV Funding, by Phase (chart)

Salaries and Expenses

FY 2005 Salaries and Expenses Request of $294 million (chart)

Summary of Salaries and Expenses by Function

NSF Workforce

Human Capital Funding

Business Analysis Funding

Technology and Tools Funding

General Operating Expenses by Object Class

Office of Inspector General

Office of Inspector General Funding

Personnel Compensation and Benefits and General Operating Expenses

National Science Board

National Science Board Funding

Personnel Compensation and Benefits and General Operating Expenses

Changes Between FY 2004 Request and FY 2004 Estimate

Changes Between FY 2004 Request and FY 2004 Estimate

Changes Between FY 2004 Request and FY 2004 Estimate--Level of Funding by Program

Quantitive Data Tables

National Science Foundation Research and Development Special Analysis

Research and Related Activities Research and Development Special Analysis

Education and Human Resources Research and Development Special Analysis

Major Research Equipment and Facilities Construction Research and Development Special Analysis

Salaries and Expenses Research and Development Special Analysis

Office of Inspector General Research and Development Special Analysis

National Science Board Research and Development Special Analysis

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