Illustration of an abstract cityscape, planet Earth and a lightbulb

CISE International Partnerships

The U.S. National Science Foundation encourages U.S. scientists and engineers and their institutions to enhance their research and education activities through international collaborations. NSF's Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) supports a number of activities to foster collaborations between the U.S. research and education community and international partners.

Collaboration opportunities by country

Explore funding opportunities and special guidelines for U.S.-based researchers interested in partnering with researchers in other countries.



NSF partnership with the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.

Research topics: Artificial intelligence and quantum science.

Canada guidelines - NSF 22-031.

Czech Republic

NSF partnership with the Czech Science Foundation.

Research topics: Artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and privacy, and other topics.

Czech Republic guidelines - NSF 23-094.


NSF partnership with the Academy of Finland.

Research topics: Artificial intelligence and wireless communications.

Finland guidelines - NSF 21-035.


NSF partnership with the French National Research Agency (Agence Nationale de la Recherche).


Core topics

Research topics: All CISE core topics.

France CISE core topics guidelines - NSF 21-020.


Quantum information science and engineering

Research topics: Quantum information science and engineering.

France quantum information guidelines - NSF 23-159.


NSF partnership with the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft e.V.)

Research topics: Cybersecurity.

Germany guidelines - NSF 23-051.

Ireland / Northern Ireland

NSF partnership with the Ireland-Northern Ireland Research and Development Partnership.

Research topics: Nanoscale science and engineering, sensors and sensor networks, telecommunications, energy and sustainability, and cybersecurity.

Ireland guidelines - NSF 20-064.


NSF partnership with the Israel Binational Science Foundation.

Research topics: All CISE core topics.

Israel guidelines - NSF 20-094.


NSF partnership with the Ministry of Universities and Research of the Italian Republic (MUR).

Research topics: Artificial intelligence.

Italy guidelines - NSF 24-055

South Korea

NSF partnership with the South Korean Institute of Information & Communications Technology Planning & Evaluation.

Research topics: Wireless communication technology.

South Korea guidelines - NSF 21-079.

United Kingdom

NSF partnership with the UKRI/Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council.

Research topics: Select programs and topics.

UK guidelines - NSF 23-128.

Collaborations with multiple countries

These programs invite researchers from multiple countries to collaborate on a specific research topic.


Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience

NSF partnerships with Germany, France, Israel, Japan, and Spain.

Research topics: Innovative approaches to science and engineering research on brain function.

View Computational Neuroscience program description.

Past partnerships


European Union
NSF 21-048

NSF 22-040
NSF 23-114
NSF 23-139

NSF 21-624

Collaborations with multiple countries
NSF 22-046