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Broadening Participation in STEM

Reports, Studies and Analyses


This page contains reports and analyses regarding broadening participation in science, technology, engineering and mathematics — STEM. To help you navigate this page, the reports are organized into four categories.

CEOSE biennial reports to Congress

The Committee on Equal Opportunities in Science and Education, or CEOSE, advises the U.S. National Science Foundation on how to advance its policies and activities to encourage full participation of underrepresented groups in the STEM enterprise. The committee releases biennial reports to Congress to convey these recommendations. 

NSF reports on broadening participation, inclusion and access

Throughout the years, NSF has developed reports that help to address issues important to broadening participation in STEM. Some of these reports are in response to CEOSE recommendations or developed by groups at the agency. NSF grantees have also developed relevant reports.

NCSES reports and analyses

The National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics is a principal statistical agency located within NSF. NCSES collects, interprets, analyzes and disseminates data on the science and engineering enterprise. The center provides statistical information about STEM participation of underrepresented groups through reports and digests. Two of their latest reports are below. 

Selected NASEM consensus study reports

NSF and the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Mathematics, or NASEM, conduct workshops and studies, which result in consensus study reports. Some of these reports address specific topics regarding underrepresentation in STEM.

Contact information

For further information concerning NSF's Broadening Participation programs, please contact:

Dr. Alicia J. Knoedler
NSF Executive Liaison for Broadening Participation in STEM
U.S. National Science Foundation

Phone: 703-292-4717