NSF/AGS update - early November 2023
Happy Halloween a day late. We hope that you view some of the below opportunities as “treats” rather than “tricks.”
Funding Opportunities
- NSF has partnered with the American Meteorological Society to provide travel grants for faculty from Emerging Research Institutions (ERIs) and Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) to the AMS Annual meeting. This opportunity grew out of listening sessions during virtual office hours that were held over the past year, so we thank the participants for their input in guiding this new program.
- The Directorate for Geosciences, along with other participating entities around NSF have released the Dear Colleague Letter: Capacity Building to Catalyze Collaborations to Address Climate Change Impacts on Human Health (C2H2). The objective of the DCL is to build bonds, collaborations, understandings, and conversations between the geo, medical/health, social science, and other stakeholders that can play into significant research efforts in the future. GeoHealth Funding Opportunities Office Hours will be held on a regular basis throughout November and December.
Employment Opportunities
- The Directorate for Geosciences has opened a search for a deputy division director for the new Division of Research, Innovation, Synergies and Education (RISE). This is a Senior Executive Service role.
- The NSF Office of Polar Programs is inviting applications for the position of Temporary/Rotator Program Director in Polar Cyberinfrastructure and Novel Technology Development. For more information and details of how to apply, please see the Dear Colleague Letter here: https://new.nsf.gov/careers/openings/geo/opp/opp-2023-96460.
- NSF CyberTraining and SCIPE program webinar, November 7: https://new.nsf.gov/events/cybertraining-nsf-23-520-scipe-nsf-23-521-program/2023-11-07
- SC23 Birds of Feather session on ‘Community Engagement on NSF Learning and Workforce Development Programs to Democratize Cyberinfrastructure Access’ November 15: https://sc23.supercomputing.org/presentation/?id=bof179&sess=sess357
AGS Personnel Changes
- Dr. David Verardo has been selected as the Acting Section Head for the AGS Atmosphere Section. Dr. Verardo has been with NSF since 2000 and has held a wide variety of roles in the Foundation, including Program Director for the Paleoclimate and P4Climate programs.
- Dr. Yolande Serra of the University of Washington’s Cooperative Institute for Climate, Ocean, & Ecosystem Studies has joined AGS as a rotator in the Climate and Large-scale Dynamics (CLD) program. Dr. Serra’s email is yserra@nsf.gov.
Thank you and please feel free to share widely.
Best regards,
Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS)
Directorate for Geosciences (GEO)
National Science Foundation (NSF)
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