GEO Data Management and Sharing Plan Guidance

The U.S. National Science Foundation requires a Data Management and Sharing Plan (DMSP) that details how an NSF-funded project will manage, disseminate and share research results. 

Beyond the data management and sharing plan guidelines outlined in the NSF Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG), the NSF Directorate for Geosciences (GEO) may have additional instruction for its divisions and offices. Some funding opportunities in GEO and across the agency may also have unique requirements that will be outlined in those opportunity announcements. 

Although DMSPs will have unique aspects across research communities, each DMSP should be appropriate for the data being generated and reflect the best practices and standards in the proposed area of research. 

Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS)

AGS refers principal investigators to the PAPPG.

Researchers from the paleoclimate community are encouraged to upload project DMSPs using a fillable document.

Division of Earth Sciences (EAR)

EAR requires that all data and sample metadata underlying peer-reviewed scholarly publications resulting from EAR support must now be made publicly accessible at or before the time of publication and no later than two years after completion of data collection or generation via appropriate long-lived FAIR-aligned repositories. 

Division of Ocean Sciences (OCE)

OCE requires that metadata files full data sets, derived products and physical collections, must be made publicly accessible upon publication or within two years of collection whichever comes first. 

Division of Research, Innovation, Synergies and Education (RISE)

RISE refers principal investigators to the PAPPG. 

Office of Polar Programs (OPP)

OPP released a Dear Colleague Letter in 2022 with recommendations and requirements to advance open polar data to maximize the benefit of NSF's investments in research, facilitate transparency and replicability in polar science and increase the impact of polar research. OPP also maintains a list of data repositories and resources.