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Evaluation and Assessment Capability - Evaluation planning

Evaluation planning

EAC collaborates across NSF and with the broader research community to develop evaluation plans that provide decision makers with the evidence and data they need to understand and improve program performance, outcomes, and impacts. EAC summarizes its plans in the agency’s learning agenda and annual evaluation plan.

NSF learning agenda

The NSF learning agenda identifies a set of priority questions that NSF will strive to answer through the studies supported over the next few years. In that way, the learning agenda serves as a broad research plan for NSF’s evidence-building activities and agency learning priorities. To ensure NSF is focused on the highest priority questions, the learning agenda is developed in tandem with the agency's strategic plan.

Annual evaluation plan

The Annual Evaluation Plan (AEP) describes the evaluations prioritized by NSF for each fiscal year and includes evaluations that NSF is planning to begin or continue in the fiscal year. The AEP identifies the selection criteria and the research questions behind each evaluation. It also includes an overview of the background/rationale, timeline, technical approach, data sources, expected challenges and mitigation strategies, and the use and dissemination plans for each research question. 

Prior plans