The majority of funding in the Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBE) is awarded through core research programs housed in its divisions and offices. Contact the program director(s) listed on any program webpage to ask questions or get feedback on whether the program is a good fit for your research.
You can also visit the Funding at NSF page to learn more about opportunities aimed at students and researchers based on career stage and information about preparing and submitting a proposal. Visit the Funding Search page to explore all NSF funding opportunities.
Proposals are evaluated through the merit review process outlined in the Proposal Award Policies and Procedures Guide.
On this page
SBE-wide and multidisciplinary programs
BCS core programs
Division of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences
SES core programs
Division of Social and Economic Sciences
Research Infrastructure in the Social and Behavioral Sciences
The Research Infrastructure in the Social and Behavioral Sciences (RISBS) program supports projects that create computational tools and data to facilitate basic research in the social and behavioral sciences. The program includes three key longitudinal surveys and panel studies that are administered through separate solicitations
Prospective PIs may also be interested in the Human Networks and Data Science Program — Infrastructure (HNDS-I).
Doctoral dissertation research grants
The following SBE programs offer awards to support dissertation research.
Externally administered dissertation grants
In addition to the NSF-administered programs listed above, some SBE programs support doctoral dissertation research through programs administered by professional organizations or institutions:
- American Political Science Association Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grants (administered by ASPA)
- American Sociological Association Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grants (administered by ASA)
- Law and Science Dissertation Grants (administered by Arizona State University)
NCSES surveys and programs
The National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) conducts periodic surveys to assess trends in the science and engineering enterprise in areas that include:
- Government funding for science and engineering
- Higher education research and development
- Research and development
- Science and engineering workforce
- STEM education
Other SBE-related opportunities
Programs that fund international collaboration
Dear Colleague Letters (DCLs)
DCLs are used to announce certain funding opportunities and to provide guidance related to existing opportunities. The following list includes some DCLs that may be of interest to the SBE community.