Divisions and offices
Division of Astronomical Sciences (AST)
Supports research in all areas of astronomy and astrophysics, related multidisciplinary studies and a network of world-class telescopes and observatories.
Division of Chemistry (CHE)
Supports research and education in the chemical sciences through strategic investments aimed at developing a chemistry workforce that engages all U.S. regions and communities.
Division of Materials Research (DMR)
Supports research into the nature and capabilities of matter spanning a broad range of materials-related fields, as well as research facilities, education and training.
Division of Mathematical Sciences (DMS)
Supports research and training in theoretical and applied mathematics and statistics and cross-cutting partnerships across all STEM fields.
Division of Physics (PHY)
Supports research, facilities and training enabling exploration and understanding of nature at all scales, from the quantum-scale to the entire universe.
Office of Strategic Initiatives (OSI)
Supports crosscutting research, education and infrastructure in areas of strategic importance for NSF's mission and the broader U.S. scientific enterprise.
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